
SPD's and crashing


Aug 30, 2002
I switched from flats to CB Mallet's for DH, because I crashed a few times in the rough section --> my foot slipped of the pedal.
But I keep thinking that crashing with SPD's is far more worse than crashing with flats, especially after I cased a double, crashed and twisted my foot and knee because I couldn't unclip and landed head first with my bike stuck in my back.

Is this a "mind thing" or is there just a bigger chance to get hurt/injured while crashing with SPD's VS flats?

What do you think ?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I've never had a problem coming unclipped when I crash either... and I dump the bike fairly often. My shimano spds are spring loaded... so you can adjust the "tension" required to unclip. Do the CBs have that? Perhaps the tension is set too high.

From my experience, the only time I can't unclip fast enough is if I lose momentum... in which case I end up just tipping over. The more violent the wreck, the faster/easier I seem to come unclipped.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I don't think I've crashed "because of" clipless pedals in like 10 years. Once you get used to them they are just as easy to release as flat pedals.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
jacksonpt said:
and rocks and/or water where you land.
no lie, the last time I "slo mo toppled", I landed about 3 inches away from a pond.

so I was laying there, with the bike on my leg, trying to get the foot that was underneath the bike unclipped without sliding into the pond.

yeh, that sucked.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
MudGrrl said:
no lie, the last time I "slo mo toppled", I landed about 3 inches away from a pond.

so I was laying there, with the bike on my leg, trying to get the foot that was underneath the bike unclipped without sliding into the pond.

yeh, that sucked.
First time it ever happened to me (after that inital SPD learning curve was over), I toppled over off the side of a foot bridge... I fell about 3' into a creek. Problem is, it was in December and the temp was about 28*


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Everytime I have rode with flats I crashed more felt less in control basically because my feet could never seem to stay on the pedals.

It is a learned skill with either pedal type. My friends ride with their pedals tension HIGH....never liked that. I run mine enough that I stay clipped but come out with no problem. My friends think the tension is low....but it works for me. My feet stay on and I come out when I want.

I remember the times I often down come out is like when I spin out on a steep loose climb and often just wait for my hip to kiss the ground. :o: I don't know why but I can jsut about tear the cleat out of my shoe in those situations and....nothing :D But when I am really crashing I don't really stay attached. I run the old Shimano DX pedals and have never used the CB or Times etc....

I did have some Look pedals pack around 1993.....cut my teeth on those and they weren't as intuative as the Shimanos....or it has just become second nature.


Dec 23, 2004
I used to use SPD's for DH but switched to flats because I found myself unclipping and standing on the SPD's in the really technical sections just in case I had to dab. I know you can generate more power witih SPD's but for DH I'll stick to flats.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
There are a few times i've had spd's hang on during crashes, 99% of the time i'm out of em quick. i also run the shimano platform/clipless so i can unclip while riding skinnies and such so i can bail fast if i have to.
It's always just one pedal you stay attached to, it's pretty funny most of the time. But crashing is always pretty funny anyways.