
Spent Thur/Fri at Sea Otter....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Hello All--

Ok, first, I know this should probably be posted in the racing forum. Oh well, it's getting posted here.

So I leave about 6:30 a.m. Thursday after filling up and visiting Alaina. I get to the Otter at about noon, which is what I planned on. Picked up my registeration pack and went around visiting my sponsors and passing out casino playing cards. Damn if the parking didn't make those boxes feel heavy. Got the number I wanted (814), which is Alaina's b-day. Saw loads of "toys" I wanted, but being a good, broke boy, didn't over-indulge. Did stop by Purely Custom and had them make a headset cap, pink, with "I'm Alaina's Daddy" on it, and the hand symbol for "I love you" on each side. Very nice. Stopped by the announcer's stand to see if it was the same announcer from the Mammoth Nationals. It wasn't, but we got to talking about why I was riding. Left to find a place to sleep, and read Larry/Cable Guy's book.

Friday was a bit cold, foggy, and windy. Saw a few more sponsors, and met Tara Llanes. What a lady!!! Gave a small donation, and got a pic with her. Saw more toys I wanted, and thought about the lottery. Went back to the van, got changed/ready for my event, and tried to relax. Went to staging, and finally get to the starting line. Announcer remembered me from Thursday, and made an announcement of why I was riding. Then, as the start for the group arrived, he let me go first/by myself. For those brief 1-200 yards, I felt like it was just me and Alaina. Best description is a dad walking a daughter down the wedding aisle.

Ok, so I didn't set any land-speed records, and finished well of the back (73/82 at 2:35:14), but that wasn't important. I rode with and for my daughter, and it was well worth the out-and-back trip.