
Spider bite, need advice *Doctors?

Hey all,

I got bit by something this evening and it made a welt on my inner thigh the size of a coffee cup base. It's all puffy and red and in the middle is where something, a spider I'm guessing bit me. I don't have a clue as to what kind of spider it was, nor do I know if it was posinous in anyway. It's been a couple of hours but I've noticed it get red and puffy over the past few hours, if it was anything serious I would of already been sick right? I live in Ohio, so the worst it could be to my knowledge is a black widow, but its the dead of winter... I also just moved here from washington, and today I opened up my bag for the first time to get my "interview" clothes out as I have an interview coming up, but I don't think a spider could of survived the cold drive here from washington and a month in the closet, could of it? I really don't care to go into the emergency room, but its pretty painful and swollen. :( :( :( :(

Advice, suggestions?

Serious replies please.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
NineFingers said:
Hey all,

I got bit by something this evening and it made a welt on my inner thigh the size of a coffee cup base. It's all puffy and red and in the middle is where something, a spider I'm guessing bit me. I don't have a clue as to what kind of spider it was, nor do I know if it was posinous in anyway. It's been a couple of hours but I've noticed it get red and puffy over the past few hours, if it was anything serious I would of already been sick right? I live in Ohio, so the worst it could be to my knowledge is a black widow, but its the dead of winter... I also just moved here from washington, and today I opened up my bag for the first time to get my "interview" clothes out as I have an interview coming up, but I don't think a spider could of survived the cold drive here from washington and a month in the closet, could of it? I really don't care to go into the emergency room, but its pretty painful and swollen. :( :( :( :(

Advice, suggestions?

Serious replies please.
Go to the hospital NOW. Don't screw around looking for advice on the internet. GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Seriously. It's like saying i cut my finger off and coming on RM and posting what should i do about it?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
NineFingers said:
you guys are starting to freak me out... what if it was just a normal house spider, then i'd be paying a heft ER bill for cortizone...
Wouldn't it be better to drop some money out of your wallet than to end up majorly screwing yourself up?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
NineFingers said:
you guys are starting to freak me out... what if it was just a normal house spider, then i'd be paying a heft ER bill for cortizone...

Um, yes, it could be a normal house spider. And you're welcome to take that chance if you like.

Me, if I had a bite from something that generated a welt 3+ inches in diameter, I would NOT take the chance that it was a normal house spider. Getting bit by a brown recluse, for instance, is not something you screw around with.
binary visions said:

Um, yes, it could be a normal house spider. And you're welcome to take that chance if you like.

Me, if I had a bite from something that generated a welt 3+ inches in diameter, I would NOT take the chance that it was a normal house spider. Getting bit by a brown recluse, for instance, is not something you screw around with.
I've been reading about them and I don't have any issues such as respiratory, cramping, nausia, etc... But there's a good size red dot with about a 3 inch diameter welt surrounding it. I'm on the phone right now with poison control, the hospitals can't tell me anything over the phone by law, gotta love this countries bullsh!t judicial system.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Screw the doctors, just take pray the spider was radioactive and start developing your superhero persona.

J/K, spider bites can be nasty and can take extremely long to heal go see a doc.


Jun 1, 2003
NineFingers said:
I've been reading about them and I don't have any issues such as respiratory, cramping, nausia, etc... But there's a good size red dot with about a 3 inch diameter welt surrounding it. I'm on the phone right now with poison control, the hospitals can't tell me anything over the phone by law, gotta love this countries bullsh!t judicial system.
I believe the internal symptoms (ie the cramping, nausia, ect.) don't surface until later in the process of the spider's poison eating a hole in the side of your body.

Go to the doc!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
Go to a doc and make like it's an emergency
don't give them any information
then arrange to get a call on your cell phone that your son has been kidnapped and you need to be in central park in 4 minutes.
And leave


3 Dude Approved
dhtahoe said:
Sound like you have a bite from a Brown Raclusse(sp?) or fiddle-back spider. Go to the ER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And or a hobo spider, common in n. america and plentifull all over it.
They come inside during cols spells, the bite will get big, hard and red usually whitish discoloration in the center. Sometimes you can see in the center of the whitish area (it's white due to pressure not rot) you can see the marks.
I got bit a hell of alot in the nw and s. cali by these little bastards.
They are cousin to the raclusse. Not as extreme of a venom and no rotting of the tissue.
I agree with all to go to the hospital. (I wouldn't, I'd wait and see. But I'm curious like that.)
Well it's now fvcking 4:30 am and I just got back from the ER. The intern looked it over and was almost positive it was a reclusse, then the overseeing doc(a chic) comes in, rushes through everything, looks at it briefly and rules it out as an ingrown hair folicule...WTF!?!?!?!? So she orders up a tetanous shot, gives me an antibiotic, and a prescription for antibiotics. This isn't a fvcking in grown hair folicule... Her advise: "If it gets bigger in circumfrance, or you start seeing streaking red streaks towards your heart, get your @ss back in here, otherwise, It's probably just an ingrown hair"...

I'm so pissed right now, sat in the ER for over 4 hours, and she rules out a bite as an ingrown hair. I guess time will tell, I'm taking a picture of it now, it looks just like some of those on that link that one of the other guys on here provided...Hopefully, I won't have any issues if it is the real deal.

Doctors... we are just test rats in most cases, it took them(the same hospital) several months of testing to figure out my mom had acid reflux. Sometimes I wonder about this country, I really do. I'm just glad it's not painful like my kidney stones were or when I lost my finger, as they made me fill out the forms before I could get in, even though I was loosing blood with the finger incident and curled up on the floor when I had the stones... Its all about money, money rules this country, it's really sad.



I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
NineFingers said:
Well it's now fvcking 4:30 am and I just got back from the ER. The intern looked it over and was almost positive it was a reclusse, then the overseeing doc(a chic) comes in, rushes through everything, looks at it briefly and rules it out as an ingrown hair folicule...WTF!?!?!?!? So she orders up a tetanous shot, gives me an antibiotic, and a prescription for antibiotics. This isn't a fvcking in grown hair folicule... Her advise: "If it gets bigger in circumfrance, or you start seeing streaking red streaks towards your heart, get your @ss back in here, otherwise, It's probably just an ingrown hair"...

I'm so pissed right now, sat in the ER for over 4 hours, and she rules out a bite as an ingrown hair. I guess time will tell, I'm taking a picture of it now, it looks just like some of those on that link that one of the other guys on here provided...Hopefully, I won't have any issues if it is the real deal.

Doctors... we are just test rats in most cases, it took them(the same hospital) several months of testing to figure out my mom had acid reflux. Sometimes I wonder about this country, I really do. I'm just glad it's not painful like my kidney stones were or when I lost my finger, as they made me fill out the forms before I could get in, even though I was loosing blood with the finger incident and curled up on the floor when I had the stones... Its all about money, money rules this country, it's really sad.

Wha Wha Wha. Be happy you have health care, and even doctors to see. You could be a lot worse off.


Aug 30, 2004
ioscope said:
Go to a doc and make like it's an emergency
don't give them any information
then arrange to get a call on your cell phone that your son has been kidnapped and you need to be in central park in 4 minutes.
And leave
haha...definetly do that

Dirt rider

Pro Rider
Nov 18, 2001
redneck wasteland
NineFingers said:
a welt on my inner thigh the size of a coffee cup base.

the anomoly in the pic appers to be much smaller, like the size of a large pimple.

though it does look infected if you see red lines up your leg see a doctor
Dirt rider said:
the anomoly in the pic appers to be much smaller, like the size of a large pimple.

though it does look infected if you see red lines up your leg see a doctor
yeah for some reason the outer redness puffy area didn't show up in the picture like it is, I've got a huge circle around the outer area not pictured to keep an eye on growth. I guess it didn't show up because I had the camera super close and the flash went off or something?

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
You did the right thing by going to the Dr. I had the samething, it starts off looking like a pimple, you pop it and it get all nasty. Definatly a spider bite.


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
that does kinda look like an ingrown hair. i have one on my knee that looks exactly the same. if i did have a camera at work, id take a picture


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
luken8r said:
that does kinda look like an ingrown hair. i have one on my knee that looks exactly the same. if i did have a camera at work, id take a picture
please dont. one pic of an in-grown hair is enough. :D

dh girlie

NineFingers said:
you guys are starting to freak me out... what if it was just a normal house spider, then i'd be paying a heft ER bill for cortizone...

You say this bite is on your inner thigh??? Pretty close to the boys, wouldn't you say? You wouldn't like to get, oh...gangrene of the nuts would you? I got bitten by a black widow on the knuckle of my ring finger and it hurt so f'n bad it felt like I had a broken arm...the pain was so intense I almost puked. Go to the urgent care or ER...are there red streaks running up your leg?

dh girlie

NineFingers said:
I've been reading about them and I don't have any issues such as respiratory, cramping, nausia, etc... But there's a good size red dot with about a 3 inch diameter welt surrounding it. I'm on the phone right now with poison control, the hospitals can't tell me anything over the phone by law, gotta love this countries bullsh!t judicial system.
Yeah...DAMN this country not wanting to give medical advice over the phone...bastards...course you could go to some f'd up witch doctor somewhere that'll treat it with a snake bite... :rolleyes:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
golgiaparatus said:
You are a moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A normal house spider doesnt leave a whelp that big and it doesnt hurt much at all. Go to the doc right now.
golgi... did you just not bother to read the thread, or look at the posted dates, or anything at all beyond that post? :p