
Spinervals - Trainer DVDs


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Are these available on DVD?

I just set up a trainer in the garage and faced it towards my bike work bench area. I am using a DVD player already as my workshop stereo system CD player. IT got me to thinkin - I could get a little TV - set it on the work bench, connect it to the DVD player and voila - instant spinervals or other training video set up on the cheap.

Sound like a worthwhile idea?


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Yes, a TV is a good idea. I use my laptop to watch TV and movies to keep my mind occupied on the trainer. It makes my workouts last longer and ultimately makes me more likely to use the trainer.

Can't say anything about Spinervals, though- never used them. But do you really need to pay for something that a stopwatch could give you?