
Spongebob ISN'T gay!?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Doesn;t it just mean he has no sexual orientation, like he's not straight or gay. Kinda like a little kid.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
JMAC said:
Doesn;t it just mean he has no sexual orientation, like he's not straight or gay. Kinda like a little kid.
Usually asexual means not having a sex at all. As in, he's a freaking sponge, how could he be gay? Could also mean that there is just nothing sexual about "him" at all.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
That's F'ed up, I love watching SpongeBob with my kids. I think these Christian extremists need to get laid for once. They are so hard up, they think they see sexual references in everything around them, it's totally insane.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
I saw a show once about these Christian group in Texas doing this Hell house thing to show to ppl what will happen to them cause of all their sins. They protrade electronic music as being from the devil and that anyone who goes to raves will go hell because all that happens at raves is ppl dying and getting raped and drugged. WTF the guy who came up with it has never been to a rave and has no idea about electronic music. Fortunently it was a documentry and they also showed some teens really bitch hard core at this stupid old chrsitain guy. One of the teens had some friends who were gay and the stupid christain guy said they would go to hell for that wtf. :nuts: I hate religion, except buddhists.