
Spots to ride in SD when it's wet


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
I'm down visiting my parents for thanksgiving and was stoked to go ride until I hit a wall of rain coming down i-5... I know people and trails down here are a little sensitive about riding when it is wet, so I figured I would ask if there's any where I can get a pre-thanksgiving feast ride in? I'm down for pretty much anything that's not boring ol fire road. Sycamore? Sweet water? Any of the trails in Cuyamacca or Mt. Laguna? Certain un-named DH trails? What doesnt get destroyed in the rain?


3 Dude Approved
If you jont 65 miles north to the Ortega HYW you can ride the San Juan Trail. Theres some good stuff on the trail as well as if you look around. approx. 15 miles possibly 1 at a slight incline. Mostly single track tight and fast with exposed areas and cool areas that shoot through the oak trees. Shuttleable and a good fun trail none the less, no gaps or drops but still fun to ride!
If you get to that area PM eddgy or abstrakt they know the ride and can get it moving pretty fast.

Good luck and Happy TG!