
sprocket stall basic's

.Pit Steelers.

Jun 18, 2006
So iv'e been trying to get sprocket stalls down and i can do everything but the main part...stalling. What my problem seems to be is that as soon as i hop up and land on my sprocket i cant seem to remain on the pedals. It's like the impact blows my feet off the pedals. Are there any tips or something for over coming this.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
The obvious answer is usually the right one: You're hitting the ledge too hard. On short walls, I actually hit rear tire first, then rock to the sprocket and reverse to get off, which doesn't always work so well. I need to pop off more. Just focus on the ledge a bit more and suck it up with your knees. It also sounds like you might not have the bike stood up enough... possibly?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2006
while this thread is still somewhat alive, i'd like to ask a question about something i'm having trouble with. i can't seem to get roll backs down. i want to learn how to 180, but until i learn roll backs, i can't really apply it due to the lack of skateparks within 10 miles of my house. as soon as i stop going forwards, my balance starts to go, and then by the time i'm rolling backwards, i'm near falling. i can get a slight roll back every now and then, probably about 4 feet being my farthest, but then i don't really know how to get out of it. can anybody help? also, with 180s, i've been trying them on peoples' steep driveways, and i can only get about 120 degrees. theoretically i should be able to do them because i can bunny hop more than 1 foot. is there a strategy to doing it that i'm missing? how about bunny hopping higher?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
The first timne you really nail a 180 BH you're gonna be pissed. It's just a certain movement that makes it all happen. And when it does, it'll be half the effort you're putting into it now, and soon be easily repeatable. After banging away at the 180 bhs, I kinda gave up and just messed around with 180 endos. Started seeing how fast and low I could do them, that same movement is what worked for me, just off the ground, My fork doesn't seem like it travels, just rotates, and try to keep it vertical, so you are just swinging around your fork. And when I land I kinda try to keep the momentum going by shoving backwards with my ass, then apply pedal pressure and whip it around. I don't have the whole whip it around thing dialed yet, but it feels like the key to that is the same as a successful 180 bh... GO FASTER. It's scary as hell, but a bail feels pretty much the same if not SMOOTHER than when you go slow. Basically, if you go to slow and DO make the full 180, then you'll just kinda sit there if you don't fall over and have to pedal back the way you started instead of going out the same direction you came in...
Anyone follow that? Cuz I just gave myself a thumper!