
SST (naming DH trail network)

Which name do you think is best?

  • Schizophrenia

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Criss-Cross

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Cross-up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Twizzler

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • DNA

    Votes: 2 11.8%

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters


Turbo Monkey
My neighbor is building a carport/garage and has ample remnant 2X6 scraps, so now I have something for which to make signage out of.:D

These are names that I have toyed with over the last few weeks, so I may not have thought of something that could be even better - this is where you, the fellow riders, come in.
If you voted for "other", please specify in your post.

Another thing I would like to do is come up w/ a rating system so that newcomers aren't too surprised to roll up to certain areas and leave gaping skidmarks before some jumps/drops.
I feel there really isn't alot of black-diamond stuff there, so that system might be hard to use...unless I use it on a dumbed-down scale.
I was thinking of red/yellow/green...red being hardest and green being easiest.
Any input on that would be greatly appreciated as well.



Nov 22, 2003

a scale for trail difficulty is good. but that will take away from the "surprise carnage". i really do enjoy watching someone come over a ledge thinking its a roller and eating total poop. i guess all fun must come to an end :P

you should name the place..
the "place to ride down many times that you should not walk up the trails because its a bad idea" seatac circuit


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i think you should name them after old cartoon characters of the 70's and 80's. :D
Captain Caveman, Dick Dastardley and his dog Muttley, Snarf, Derek Wildstar, i could go on and on.... ;)


Turbo Monkey
Highway to Hell won't work - it's not running in the direction of downtown Seattle.

Hahaha - thanks, Sean. I'll miss the surprise carnage as well after a while. I wish I wasn't the only guy to witness the XC guy nose it on Saturday/am (prior to the camp).
I'll go w/ that name if you want to come over and etch it w/ my router.:)

Not a bad idea, Tim. That's something that could happen, still - I'm just looking for a blanket-name for the entire area for now. Don't get so far ahead of me...whaddya' want - a medal??;)


Jun 7, 2004
Why not call it the 'Detention Center' or 'Hard Time??? Send out some respect to the boys behind bars at the pen?? I love driving by a prison on the way to a nice ride!


Turbo Monkey
jeepmauler said:
SST works
Indeed, it does - no argument here, BUT (always has to be a but) that particular area has become unique from the entire park and we've been working out there for a year now - I feel it deserves a name that matches the personality that it has taken on.

After all, we tend to give names to our cars, bikes and other odd belongs, no?:)

Hahaha - interesting perspective, Neal - I'll put those on my little list here as well.


Turbo Monkey
In a semi-related note...I'll be down there pretty much all day tomorrow (Friday) to ride and dig.
If anybody wants to come down and lend a hand or just rip as well, I'll be riding an army-green Haro Extreme x1 that is on loan from the shop - which won't have my bike done until Monday - long story.:(


Jun 14, 2003
Back in Tac Safe and Sound
I think the cartoon name idea was great. Yeah the entire area has been know as SST, and that would be cool if that name stuck. But if people are going to build more solidified lines here then give them creative names. It would be awesome if some of the upper trails had some ladders, kickers, whatever you want on them...too. I am not a trail builder but I would be willing to help out seeing as how this is almost the only place locally where we can actually ride this type of terrain.


Turbo Monkey
Wick (the XC race coordinator) explicity advised us not to build any wooden structures, so we've avoided that to this point.
Perhaps a name that worked off the SST anagram would suffice...but what? And not Samoan Swat Team!!;)
Hmmmmm...Super Sonic Terrain??


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
Is the terrain rough, or fairly smooth? I thought "good vibrations" might be a cool name for a certain rough trail or section. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Is the terrain rough, or fairly smooth? I thought "good vibrations" might be a cool name for a certain rough trail or section. :thumb:
Unlike about 95% of the terrain in the PAC NW, this is smooth as butter. If you go here, this will give those that haven't seen it a decent idea of what we're working with.
If I DO wind up w/ some rougher trails in the future, that is definitely a name I would use for it.:cool:


Turbo Monkey
SebringMGB said:
i thought it was already named Face Plant? At least ive heard that used a number of time while out riding it.....
It could be in certain circles - that's the first I've heard of that name, really.
Actually, the line on the right was dubbed "Bread & Butter" by the other 2 guys I work with out there - they cut the initial line there over the course of last winter.
We (us 3) call the far left line (w/ the 8ft. drop up top) "6 Pack", just because there's 6 jumps if you run it a certain way.
I'm sure there's other titles for that line (and their line as well).

Funny you should mention Face Plant, as I watched somebody do that on that small jump next to the main kicker down below last Sat. - got up w/ a mud goatee.

I'm not really going to worry too much about naming each little section...I don't have alot of hair as it is.;)

I'm still trying to figure out a good rating system as well - anybody? :dancing:


Aug 4, 2004
I don't wish to impose too much input as I haven't rolled up the sleeves and helped with the trail, but itd be in true fashion to have it airplane related..Aileron or something haha


Turbo Monkey
By all means, IMPOSE!!! That's what this thread/poll is for.:)
Even if you don't 'work' on the trails, your input is valuable - riding the trails and getting them packed in is doing your part, IMHO.
Aileron isn't that bad, although I like the little brain-cramp I came up with earlier in Super Sonic Terrain (long for SST). It is really beginning to grow on me.
As-is, Schizophrenia and Twizzler are neck-and-neck at the end of day #1.

I sure hope the presidential elections have a better showing at the polls than this thread is. :help:


Turbo Monkey
Not a bad one, Cap'n! I will never object to a name w/ even the most minimal stonie reference:p
This thread is def. becoming a learning experience for me as I've never heard it called Use the Force - is this some time over the last year or is that more old-school?


Nov 22, 2003
saturday morning cartoons

there is your area name

name each trail something related to a saturday morning cartoon.
nothing of recent times as cartoons suck now..but back when they were good!

i think the most important thing to get out there is "DO NOT WALK UP TRAILS..USE THE ROAD YOU SLACKERS" signage...my arm/shoulder is still sore from having to bail in the air to prevent smashing into some dumbass who was walking UP the tranny of one of the ledge drops

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
what about "bonzai"? those runs remind me of this waterslide they have at wild waves called bonzai, it had berms and drops too!

p.s. i worked very hard last night to help stomp out that right line, is that a little hip at the end there?


Turbo Monkey
I hear ya, Sean. I have a couple signs going up today - just a "ride at your own risk" for up top and a "keep all areas clean and respect other users" for now. "EXIT --->" and "PLEASE use the road" signs are up next.

Thanks, Megan!!! We're working towards making that a hip/step-up - once the area past that takeoff is cleared and, of course, it's tracked out a little more I'll be able to figure out exactly what it will become. It's still very much in the infantile stages. You gotta' love that extra-meaty berm that's just before it though, eh?:D
My nephew had a japanese rooster that he named Bonzai:p - not a bad name, either.

Time to go take this loaner-bike out there and find out how some of the work I've been doing over the last week or so FEELS!!!:D:D:D:D:D

Sideshow Bob

Sep 2, 2004
Squamish, BC
Why not pay some homage to bands of the label of the same name: i.e., SST Records? Hey, that's your rating system right there - a Black Flag for the hard stuff, and other colors for easier.

Why Twizzler, anyway?


Turbo Monkey
thesacrifice said:
gotta have a sign at the top that says "clear for takeoff"
That can and will be easily arranged - excellent idea for sure!:cool:

Sideshow Bob said:
Why not pay some homage to bands of the label of the same name: i.e., SST Records? Hey, that's your rating system right there - a Black Flag for the hard stuff, and other colors for easier.

Why Twizzler, anyway?
Not a bad idea, either...although I think you want me to do more work than I'm already doing.;)
I'm not ruling that idea out as of yet.

The Twizzler name seems fitting - seeing how the trail is all intertwined like a roll of Twizzler liquorice...and it's sweet like them too!:)


Turbo Monkey
So, the polls are still open. For those of you that fear that this will somehow register a vote for G.W. Bush, fear not.
I would rather become a homosexual police-officer on EPO than sway votes for G-Dub.
Neither one of those scenarios shall ever take place.:p

I expected 14 votes after day one - not after day five :stosh:


Turbo Monkey
Captain Crunch said:
Welcome to the monkey. I'm still gonna call it by my own secret name for it. There's nothing you or anyone can do about it!
Ahahahaha - call it anything you wish! No matter what you call it, I think it's some sweeet stuff!!:D
After all, it is still a free country despite our current dictator's efforts.:thumb:

I finally attempted AND cleared that frickin' table down below from the smaller ramp - YEE-HAW!!! Also, so far-so grood as far as my DBR is concerned (1st ride since reclaiming it from the shop).:D

:dancing:Whistler countdown = 3 days :dancing:


Turbo Monkey
Captain Crunch said:
:devil: DBR Energetic Disassembly countdown = 3 days, 1 hour.... :dead:

Hahaha - I gave her a warmup digger yesterday off the booter after the big drop up top on the left.
I think after waking up this morning, I got the worst of it...my upper-body is quite sore this morning, but I could still ride if I had to.

Believe you me, all I hear is the tick-tick-tick-tick of the countdown clock