
St. Whimpy...

I knew that Metallica's new album was a bust, but I listened to it all the way through for the first time last night. If this is what they call "return to Justice", then I think that they need to go back a bit farther. I keep Justice in my truck and it never leaves. I love the stuff before that. Hell, I even liked the black album. But this one is a layed dryed up turd. Lars sounds like he's banging on a trash can lid the on the WHOLE album. Kirk, he can really kick arse when he wants to, but he sounds like he did this album on valium. Was there even a track that was played on the radio? And is this the best these guys can do? Will Jason return after this stinker?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Indeed it is very bad. I want to know who kidnapped metallica and replaced them with these hack look alikes. Its a sad sad day for heavy metal I'm afraid when one of the most awesome heavy metal bands is reduced to this garbage.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
yeah im so happy that they only played frantic(wich actually dont sound bad live) when i went to see em. and rob trujillo is a great bassist. they had some "creative differances" w/ jason so hes gone. if only clif hadnt passed away


Jan 28, 2003
the new album is crap, heard it for the first time a couple of days ago and I kept waiting for a "good" song but it never came:(