
Star fangled nut adjustent?

elf 232

fewchur serjin
Jan 5, 2007
Im in your head
ok, iv got one more question,

My new frame should be arriving some time this week and its a large but my old frame was an XL so i have to cut the steerer tube of my fork but the prob im having is whether i should take the fork to a shop to get the star nut banged down about a half an inch or whether I should do it with the back of a nail head? (or something else if anyone has a better suggestion like a dowel) Does anyone know if this would run a high risk of knocking the nut out of alignment or is it pretty much set straight once its in there? the shop is like a 30+ minute drive away from my house plus they will try to charge me for it (even though im going to call them a bunch of morons if they do) so im trying to do anything i can to avoid a visit to the shop.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Westy has a near genius method of buying a super long bolt at Home Depot that threads into the star nut, sticking it through the top cap and screwing it into the star nut from the underside of the fork. Then tighten the bolt. It'll pull the star nut down.

I've installed several star nuts by just tapping it in with the top cap bolt. It works okay but buy two if you're going to do it that way, since if you set it too crooked, you'll need to pound it out and try again.

elf 232

fewchur serjin
Jan 5, 2007
Im in your head
thanks all, for the sake of ease and time im probly gona go for the screwdriver method but il have to remember the one with the bolt next time i install a new star nut.


Jan 25, 2006
Not where I'd like
while the shop that is 30 min away might be the closest one to you, i would drive twice as far if they try to charge you to press the star nut down another inch

hell, give me the shops name and number, ill call them myself and bitch them out if they try doing something that gay


May 2, 2005
i have a 6" pice of threaded rod that's the right sized thread and I screw it in and hammer lightly with a mallet.
a screwdriver will mangle the threads or the nut and scar it...avoid.

elf 232

fewchur serjin
Jan 5, 2007
Im in your head
while the shop that is 30 min away might be the closest one to you, i would drive twice as far if they try to charge you to press the star nut down another inch

hell, give me the shops name and number, ill call them myself and bitch them out if they try doing something that gay
well its performance bike shop and they arent that personable there more just by the book but i will be pretty mad at them if they burn me again on mechanic prices.