
star flanged or star fangled?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
ok, is it called a star flanged nut or a star fangled nut? seems like everyone calls it a star fangled nut, but i've heard a couple people tell me it's a star flanged nut, which sounds much more appropriate.
first off, wtf is a fangle? are there any other nuts in the fangle catagory? seems to me that fangled is just a very common misview of flanged. it would be easy to see flanged as fangled if you gave it a quick look. my belief that the correct term is star flanged nut stems from the fact that the item itself consists of a nut with a star shaped flange. seems like a pretty appropriate name.

where i get confused is that park tools has it listed as star fangled nut
dictionary.com lists a fangle as "Something new-fashioned; a foolish innovation; a gewgaw; a trifling ornament." i don't see anything that has to do with nuts in there.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Smelly said:
dictionary.com lists a fangle as "Something new-fashioned; a foolish innovation; a gewgaw; a trifling ornament." i don't see anything that has to do with nuts in there.
Well "a foolish innovation" seems to fit. I mean cramming a peice of metal down a tube scoring and gouging as it goes so that you can't remove but to just about destroy it would seem to make that description fit :D


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
It's my understanding that the designer, Dia-Compe, of the original threadless headset, the Aheadset, named it. Since it was a totally new design...

Main Entry: new·fan·gled
Pronunciation: 'nü-'fa[ng]-g&ld
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from newefangel, from new + (assumed) Old English -fangol, from Old English fOn (past participle fangen) to take, seize -- more at PACT
1 : attracted to novelty
2 : of the newest style or kind <had many newfangled gadgets in the kitchen>
- new·fan·gled·ness noun



Jan 7, 2005
Swain!! NY
I just want to add that I now use a lighter weight version of the Azonic Head Lock on both my MTBs(I think they are made by Marzocchi). They are very easy to work with, can't strip, and are reusable.....and I don't have to say "fangled" ever again


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
RhinofromWA said:
Well "a foolish innovation" seems to fit. I mean cramming a peice of metal down a tube scoring and gouging as it goes so that you can't remove but to just about destroy it would seem to make that description fit :D
You can remove it easily if you have an open bottom ;)


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
-BB- said:
You can remove it easily if you have an open bottom ;)
Does that not reqire hammering a chunk of metal that is purposly oversized all the way through the tube? :)

It still gouges the inside of the tube....it is what it was made to do.