
Star Wars: Force Awakens Thread (Spoiler Alert)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Seems they're going to bring Grogu [Gogru?] into the storyline as well. I wonder if he might become the bridge into the next chapter of the Starwars franchise...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Yeah I don't know how that last episode fits into the Boba Fett story other than the last couple of minutes, but that was a solid episode. My guess is that they won't introduce Grogu back into the Boba Fett series and that was more of a set up for Mando season 3. But wtf do I know.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Meh. Fan service aplenty but pacing still is bad, imo.


Sep 8, 2009
Meh. Fan service aplenty but pacing still is bad, imo.

The content of the last 2 episodes was great but doesn't all belong in Boba Fett season 1. They should have put a majority of it all in Mando season 3.

I did geek out a bit last night though near the end at the Mos Pelgo scene (but dont want to give away any spoilers).


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
The content of the last 2 episodes was great but doesn't all belong in Boba Fett season 1. They should have put a majority of it all in Mando season 3.
i'm not sure i agree. it's definitely setting up a crime family war between the pyke syndicate and b fett, but the detour was necessary for fett to assemble his crew so to speak. and as soon as i saw the silhouette in the desert, i knew it was CB. and super geeked out.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
They talked about his armor too much to lead me to believe it has something to do with him surviving, besides the fact Timothy Oliphants credits are for the season, not the episode.
Grogu's little chainmail shirt didn't use up anywhere close to all the beskar from the spear, plenty for the Marshall to get hooked up with some fresh armor. I suspect he was shot in the shoulder for a reason.


free wieners
Grogu's little chainmail shirt didn't use up anywhere close to all the beskar from the spear, plenty for the Marshall to get hooked up with some fresh armor. I suspect he was shot in the shoulder for a reason.
Grogus beskar is the whole basis for him donning the mandalorian title and gaining the darksaber. They did a retcon to bring back yodas saber just to make the scene choice I believe.

There is too much story development for Cobb Vanth to me taken so early.


free wieners


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
watched it last night with my kids. They had a hard time believing Luke was CGI... I gotta admit, it was very impressive work. The potential of this technology is pretty friggin scary.


free wieners
watched it last night with my kids. They had a hard time believing Luke was CGI... I gotta admit, it was very impressive work. The potential of this technology is pretty friggin scary.
Between the tech evolving in unreal engine 6, blender, ILM's constantly updating stagewall tech and the "deepfake" tech things are already becoming difficult to spot whats real and whats not.

The stagewall tech is going to be the new standard



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Luke looked right but his vocal delivery was off


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
BoBF is just terribly paced, imo. And many of the early desert shots looked like low budget crap. I don’t know how Favreau and Filoni can come up with this after relatively consistently good Mandalorian episodes.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
BoBF is just terribly paced, imo. And many of the early desert shots looked like low budget crap. I don’t know how Favreau and Filoni can come up with this after relatively consistently good Mandalorian episodes.
I suspect the first episodes of Bobba Fett will serve as the foundation to rebuild star wars after the terrible sequels.
It seems they are balancing in-episode entertainment vs new universe foundation.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
BoBF is just terribly paced, imo.
It reminds me of when I accidentally hit the 1.25x speed button on a podcast. It’s not obviously faster or slower, but it’s definitely off. I’m thinking it’s a conscious decision to try to make it feel more like an old spaghetti western since those were quite slow by todays standards as well, but something just isn’t quite working for me with the pacing and the storyline feels like they’re stalling for time by injecting so much Mandalorian into it.

BoBF hype is real though, forgot I had my BF edition Bell Super, just sold this thing for $100, bought in clearance a few years ago for $75, win!