
Star Wars!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
So we got pretty skunked on the weather in Fruita for our FFW (Fruita family weekend) - we generally ride gals & guys groups on Saturday and then sometimes squeeze in a bonus ride on Sunday, but this year the weather was quite fould on Saturday.

Luckily the wives got out Saturday a.m. to do a nice Mary's Loop ride before the nasty really set in. The guys attempted a ride around Highline Lake, but the breaking of *TWO* derailleur hangers in less than a mile dissuaded us. :mad:

We packed up the van Sunday morning and headed into town to get two new 12" tubes since the oldest boy apparently had found some goatheads somewhere in the campground. :rant:

Put the new tubes in his bike at the head of 18 road and the two older boys (5 & 4) headed out on the Kessel Run. Originally designed (I think) as a singletrack option to the rides at the base of the Bookcliffs, the Kessel made a fantastic liddle-kid singletrack. There are a few rocky sections and some short, steep hills that required walking up/down for the kiddos, but for the most part it simply swoops in and out of a dry wash.

The kids had an absoute blast riding it, and by the end they were tackling some stuff that they were walking at the beginning. Hit up Pancho Villa where they devoured a plate of enchiladas and a big ol' piece of blueberry pie.

Next spring I can tell that we're probably going to spend a whole morning up at 18-Road riding Kessel, Prime, and maybe even Joe's Ridge if they're feeling spunky. :happydance: :happydance:

Kids kicks ass. :cupidarrow:


Jul 17, 2003
Golden, CO
How did they snap 2 deraileurs hangers? Mud? I don't get it?

I would love to see pictures of the kids on Kessel! I can only hope you had the camera (Which, knowing you, you didn't have).

Sorry I couldn't make it! Next year man!