i don't think socialized medicine a la europe would dilute the pool of talent in medicine. we're not doing it for the money -- if we were we'd be in business at least pre-crash. we're certainly not doing it for the hours. are we doing it for the 6-digit student loan bills and $45,000 resident salaries for multiple years post-graduation (3-10 depending on whether extra research, field)? i think not. we do it because it's what we want to do and because no one else is allowed legally or by patients to do what we do. making x% less in return for having no loans would be just fine....um...adding regulation to the market is a necessary at this point. All the other stuff... Unions are bringing down the auto industry, they disincentivize hard work. Social medicine? Yeah, we'll definately get the best docs that way. Low income definately makes up for 10yrs of schooling. Free education? How about actually educating our students so that by the time they hit college, they are functional adults? highschool graduates know less today than 20 years ago. Highschool level knowledge in the 60's is on par with undergrad today.
Higher taxation on the rich? Maybe on income, but if I save every penny I make from just out of school, make a few good trades, and end up with a few million in the bank, why do I have to pay taxes on my wealth? It was accrued through frugality and hard work. Why should I share that AND my income with those unwilling to work? (Not the unable, un-WILLING; obesity and obesity related diseases fall under unwilling. You have to try to hate yourself enough to not be able to work because you are so fat)