


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
What happens when there is a chain reaction of unfortunate events, with all those satellites up there? :homer:



free wieners


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I’m back on the Starlink waitlist with my real service address, after I returned the broken-connector unit.

No real sense in having fast service there this summer anyway—we are only going to spend a week there, otherwise leaving it open to rent.
My Starlink connection started fucking up the 7th while I was away, and is still doing so. It claims to be connected, can resolve DNS names, but can't ping. Very occasionally it fires up with 100 MBPS download, but only for brief periods of time. Power cycling the router seems to do little or nothing.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
What happens when there is a chain reaction of unfortunate events, with all those satellites up there? :homer:

It's basically like the ocean, no one cares.


free wieners
three states, over a dozen locations and still working strong, min speeds around 120, max thus far has been 210,

side note, with all of the options and plans available now it seems the best deal is residential with roaming added since the residential plans take priority in bandwidth over RV plans. Seems to make quite the difference in urban areas or RV parks during peak usage times.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
After opening a Starlink ticket, they sent me a new router and cable, which of course did not address the issues. Opened another support request, has now been fucking up for twenty days.
Whats happening with it?

Can you at least sell the extra equipment or mount it to your van or something?
Whats happening with it?

Can you at least sell the extra equipment or mount it to your van or something?
On July 7th, when I was on the road, service became intermittent. It subsequently deteriorated to unusable. After some struggle, I figured out how to open a support request. They decided to replace the router and the POI cable that goes from the router to the antenna. The hardware finally arrived, I finished installing and configuring it today, same shit. I opened another request, suspect that they'll send an antenna next.