
Started some new trails today.


Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
I started some new trails today and thoght I would share. It's been about 5 or 6 years since I've built any jumps so this was kind of fun.

The location is pretty much perfect. Big trees with plenty of space between them on an fairly open hill side with plenty of options for different lines. The spot is 45 minutes outside of town. Although it takes less than 3 minutes to get from my truck to the start of the trails they are well hidden. It's off the main roads, and even off the main logging roads.

Unfortunately I currently do not own a wheel barrow and didn't even bring any buckets so progress was fairly slow.
I limbed the section. Raked a good portion of it and then started moving dirt.

The pictures kind of suck but here it goes:

The first line is going in here:

First lip. It's short and sweet. Basically there as a something to float and pick up speed.

Looking down the landing of the first double, it's a step down. That big pile of dirt is just hanging out waiting until I go and buy a wheel barrow.

Berm into a second floater step down hip.

Pictures like I said suck, and I really didn't get much done. I had 3 or 4 hours to spare so I started building. I'll get better pictures on wednesday.



Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
It went really well today for how little time I spent. The dirt is AMAZING. It's slightly damp but still powdery/loamy dirt for the first 10 inches then it starts to get down into a bit of a clay or real dark thick dirt.

I really didn't run into any big problems with roots either. I think I maybe 4 or 5 roots that were in my way.

Since I don't have a wheel barrow and failed to bring a bucket, I need to move the dirt off the first step down landing and onto the face of the second lip. It doesn't sound like much however, I'm 10 inches under ground right now where the landing starts to straighten out. I still will need to move that dirt and then shape a roller between the landing and the berm to pick up a little more speed.
The hip is going to end up having about a 12ish foot gap and then a fairly long downhill landing into a big trick double.

II'm still trying to figure out the best technique for packing and shaping the jumps/berms and keeping the sharp looking corners. I'm jealous of Zach Dank's photos.



Turbo Monkey
Nov 17, 2006
do you have a water source ? or does it rain enough to where you don't need one ?


Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
Southwest washington... We see rain more than we don't see rain. Hell, even if it's 30* F outside we still get rain. We are below sea level and nearly never see snow below 1500ft. Two thirds of our year are wet and if there is any percipitation it's rain.

I do have a big pesticide sprayer that I will hose the trails down with and the truck isn't too far to go load up from a nearby creek.

I work wednesday so pictures on thursday.

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Turbo Monkey
Nov 17, 2006
... We see rain more than we don't see rain.
it's worth reading this thread "dig deep or dig far?" to think about the drainage issue.

having the riding line below grade will mean that it will hold water and be muddy all the time (unless you make other efforts for it to drain).

seems like for a wet climate, it might be better to have all jumps and the riding line above grade. it takes more work to wheel dirt over from a source pit, but in the end it'll be worth it because you'll actually get to ride it more.


Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
I went out thursday to get some pictures but ended up scouting a line for a single big hit line instead. I didn't do any work because I'm not even supposed to be walking.

I had 3 riding friends come out and help dig today. We got the line punched in down the hill for the most part. It will need some more packing, cleaning up, smoothing, watering and then of course the final grooming.
We are now at a part where the hillside levels out so we can start putting some bigger jumps in.

First lip, step down:

Landing of the step down:

Speed roller after the landing:

Second lip into a ski jump style step down:

The landing to that lip:

From the bottom:

Short mellow berm off the bottom of the ski-jumped step down:

Short speed double over a large root leading into the first big double:

First jump in the larger jump section:

Same from the side. Still only about half of the actual height/width it will be:

The start of the landing:

We found some old tires and a toilet tank on the hillside that we decided to use for filler and clean up the look of the area a bit at the same time. The tires and toilet tank will be completely hidden.



Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
yes. except for the old car tires as fill !!! heh heh
I agree. They will be covered though. We just wanted to clear up some of the hillside at the same time as finding a filler. All the other jumps are dirt through out. However this one is about 5 feet wide now and about 3 feet tall. It will double in size so we figured we would use some filler and save dirt for the other lines.
I'm still amazed at how people get this random arse crap way out in the middle of nowhere that has absolutely no access roads.
Some of the xc trails I ride are 20-30 miles from a road and there are huge piles of cement blocks, refridgerators and all sorts of weird stuff. Luckily there's not much where we are digging.



Sep 7, 2001
I've always thought old tires would be perfect for bracing up the sides and backs of jumps. Stack and weave 'em together--they ain't going anywhere. The only problem is they're kinda ugly looking.


Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
Since those pictures they were moved to the outside to essenitally keep the dirt within a confined area. Tires get squishy and make for squishy jumps.

Sunday we are going to do some more building. It's been raining a good bit this week so hopefully I can figure out draining. The main focus will be getting that final jump built up and packed.
Depending on how far we get we'll probably start working on the second line to the left that will have a transfer to the right and eventually meet up for the final few bigger sets that we haven't built yet.

We've got 3 guys working on it now myself included and things are moving much faster. I would think by late december we should have 3 rideable lines with something like 20+ jumps. We only get to work collectively on Sundays so we are somewhat limited. I try to break off on my days off, but I work slowly with my bad knee.



Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
Got in about 3.5 hours of work today. We dug 2 drainage systems, cleaned up some of the surrounding areas, added to the bigger double's take off and landing, started building a bit 180* berm and started cutting in the "hillside line" which makes the push back to the top only about 150 feet instead of 150 yards. I think about 2 more days on this line and we'll be able to start working on our bigger jumps and getting some transfer lines and such drawn in.

Dug a bit of drainage in the lower portion

Finished how the small berm connects into the long low double

Widened, packed, raised the bigger double

New big long 180* berm. It's mellow now but I'll be adding more dirt(lots) and cutting away much of what there to give it a bit of vert.

Another view of the new long berm

Dirty Maestro

Jul 11, 2008
You work pretty fast!
I worked about 3 hours today and only got one drainage system fixed up and almost finished a new hip landing that was halfway done.

Keep it up! Its lookin good =)


Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
Thanks. In the past I would work for like 4 hours on my pump track and get almost nothing done, but we are moving along at an alright pace here.
I think it has alot to do with the dirt. It is super easy to gather, it's really close by, minimal roots too and pack down great.

Unfortunately 2 of the 3 of us who are digging are on the injured list. I'm out with a bad knee and back(although it's been bad for about 6 years). The other digger pulled his back the other day.
Luckily the doctor has me in a "fuzzy" state of being with painkillers so I'm able to work semi-well.

I've got thursday off so I'll try to get out and get the berm done. The girlfriend is off thursday too and wants to help. I can atleast have her keep an ear open for cougars in the area while we dig.



Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
Cougars? Thats pretty wild!

Do you see them allot?
Fairly regularly, they come into the bike shop almost daily..

On the other hand, cougars are far more of a threat than any other animal around here. I've spotted a bear or two on the other side of the ridge we're building on. Cougars are pretty quiet and scare the piss out of me. We see them more out west of town, but none the less building alone is pretty creepy.
