
Stay Safe Out There


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I had to do 6 miles on I-15 into Butte, MT during Tour Divide, my only interstate riding and not something to be enjoyed.

There's a twoish mile section of I-70 near me between two exits that used to be the only way westbound on bicycle. Wife and I never went that way until they built a completely separate bike path away from the interstate. Very occasionally in the summer there's the odd dumb person still rides the interstate instead of the separate path - whether they don't realize it's there now (5+ years since it opened...). But then the bike path isn't maintained through the winter so you'll get people back on the interstate shoulder when it's snowed/iced up on the path....eff that.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I chose to build my house in a neighborhood such that my bike commute to campus is entirely on protected multi-use paths, physically separated from the road. I don't trust people. On campus I have to be on the road but it's a different environment there.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I feel that winter and night are better for commuting because lights. At lease then i can punch through window tint to see if someone can see me.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
I feel that winter and night are better for commuting because lights. At lease then i can punch through window tint to see if someone can see me.
Yeah when I ride at night I have 3600 lumens lit up. 2400 on the bars and 1200 on my helmet, reflective bands on my arms and legs, yellow reflective jacket and red rear strobes on both helmet and seatpost. I'm a rolling Xmas tree