
Steelers in TROUBLE


Nov 2, 2001
Natick, MA
PATRIOTS!!!!!! All of you Pats haters should have learned by now, tsk tsk tsk. There is no question the pats are going to win the Superbowl AGAIN

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Ooh, look at that.. Pittsburgh AND Atlanta both got spanked... Beaten like red-headed step-children. Unwanted, homely red-headed step-children.

Gonna be the Pats again this year, baby! :D


Nov 2, 2001
Natick, MA
Whats wrong with the Pats?? do you enjoy watching bad football over perfectly planned and executed football?? And not to mention humble players who represent the good in the league, not the showy jacka$$es who are all to common in the NFL???


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
One of my earliest memories was watching Bradshaw take the Steelers to a Superbowl win. I have been a Steelers fan ever since. It pained me to see them lose a championship due to turnovers once again. But I have to respect the Pats. For the same reason I like the Steelers they play old fashioned hard hitting football. Great defense and a well rounded offense, no stupid endzone dances, silly smacktalk or theme songs. True proffesionals in a business consisting mainly of overpaid adolesents.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
chicodude01 said:
I couldn't really tell you why, But I absolutely LOATHE the pats........
I'm sorry, but loathing the Patriots is simply unfounded personal prejudice.

People loathe the Yankees because they know they're good, and are arrogent pricks about it.

The Patriots really represent the best that the NFL has to offer..
- they're clearly built as a team, not a bunch of obnoxious individual athletes. When they talk to the press, they make it very clear that they were a tiny part of the victory, and that the other players & team as a whole is the important part.

- they're humble and respectful - listen to the press conferences, it's a lot of reporters asking questions about why they kick so much butt, and they're always deflected with comments like, "Well, when you play against a team that's as good as these guys, you need to..."

- they kick ass.

Not liking them simply because they win seems like a piss-poor reason to me, but to each his own!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
binary visions said:
I'm sorry, but loathing the Patriots is simply unfounded personal prejudice.
No matter what, people will always loathe whoever is on top. It's just the nature of things.

Boy the Steelers sure did suck yesterday. Their defense sucked, Bill Cowher sucked, Ben Rothlesburger sucked. Suckity suck suck suck. But the Steelers should just be happy they even got to play yesterday. After all, they only made it to that game because the Jets HANDED them the win last week.

The Pats are an unstoppable force, and Tom Brady, at 27 years old, is already a Hall of Famer.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I Are Baboon said:
No matter what, people will always loathe whoever is on top. It's just the nature of things.
No doubt, just seems that most teams who end up on top are a bunch of arrogent dicks who deserve to be hated (the Yankees are a prime example, of course - a great baseball team that's so full of themselves, I could never like them).

Ben Rothlesburger sucked
Oh man, how many almost-interceptions did he throw yesterday, on TOP of the three actual-interceptions? Like, sixty?

Hey, did anyone see the press conference after the Eagles/Falcons game? One of the Falcons guys (didn't catch who it was), said, "Well, I just hope that when we do get to the Superbowl, it doesn't take us four years to win it" or something to that effect...

Sour grapes, much?