
steep ticket price eh?


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i don't think i've ever paid more than 40 bucks to see anybody.... and i've seen a couple bands in my day....
if you pay over a hundred bucks for somebody you better get box seats and their better be boobies involved.... :p


dh boyeee said:
godsmack is lame as hell, but if u gave me $200 i would go. i think i paid $65 to see 311, i was in the pit too. may have only been $45 tho.
Read what you posted and then apologize to the kid. :p I don't think I would pay $45 to see them both, but lots of bands I would.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
no i would never go see Godsmack! yuck..

I cant think of a band i hate more than 311. I cant believe their doing all those cover songs... SO lame. :stosh: x 10

and what is even worse is that the 311 cover of the cure song gets played on MTV and all these kids are like, wow, thats a good song, jee, they can really write lyrics... :eviltongu:

Robert Smith should take them down in a WWF match singdown. :evil:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
thats insane 2oo bucks. i remember when the early lolapalooza shows were like 40 bucks and they were badass bands. ministry, soundgarden, pearljam........the only show i would ever pay 100+bucks for would be some of the all weekend long festivals.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
mack said:
I cant think of a band i hate more than 311. I cant believe their doing all those cover songs... SO lame. :stosh: x 10

and what is even worse is that the 311 cover of the cure song gets played on MTV and all these kids are like, wow, thats a good song, jee, they can really write lyrics... :eviltongu:

Robert Smith should take them down in a WWF match singdown. :evil:

Do you ever post anything relevant?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
no not really. He just brought up 311. I could kick u in the balls if you want though?

so, how about those red sox eh? :p

back on topic, ive never heard of a show costing that much money before. what is it, like some kind of small show with 40 people?

biggins said:
thats insane 2oo bucks. i remember when the early lolapalooza shows were like 40 bucks and they were badass bands. ministry, soundgarden, pearljam........the only show i would ever pay 100+bucks for would be some of the all weekend long festivals.
i take it you used to live in seattle.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
biggins said:
thats insane 2oo bucks. i remember when the early lolapalooza shows were like 40 bucks and they were badass bands. ministry, soundgarden, pearljam........the only show i would ever pay 100+bucks for would be some of the all weekend long festivals.

Where else could you see Alice in Chains, Tool, Rage and Fishbone all at once???

Oh yeah, Godsmack is the lamest ass band of all time hands-down. Way worse than even Nelson. 311 is a close second worst...



can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
Whoa! I paid $80 to see Godsmack, but that included Metallica! I can say Godsmack was good, but not $200 good.
ohhh man i just paid 50 to see em on wed. the show was damn good though. i loved the part where the singer and drummer were playing drums together. pretty badass....for godsmack. oh btw theere drummer reminds me of animal form the muppets w/ the way he plays. metallica was ****in awesome to.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I saw godsmack w/Metallica a month or so. Godsmack was damn good

Maybe at the $200 show the price includes a free prostitute...cause on the 9th tics are $33



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
like most everything else in ireland, shows were way more expensive. typical club shows (500-1000 ppl capacity) were routinely around 25-30 euros, which is about 30-36 US greenbacks. the same shows in the US would be around $12-16 (bands i saw included stuff like calexico, mogwai, go-betweens, etc). the one "big" venue show i saw (radiohead) in dublin's largest indoor place was 55 euro or so.

the most i ever spent on a show is probably either seeing the clash and the who in '86 in shea stadium (this was the who's 1st comeback tour, when they hadn't played in a long time. i think the ticket was about $65, which was a lot of scratch for a high school student at that time (but totally worth it. it was a great show, and i was psyched to see the clash before mick jones left the band; the show i saw on the _cut the crap_ tour was pretty dismal).

the other big $ show i saw was wilco at the orpheum. got tickets from an agency via ebay, for something like $125 a seat. they were in the very front row though. i could have untied tweedy's shoes.

i've paid $75 a seat to see neil young play at the orpheum a couple times too.

all the shows were definitely worth it, imo.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i paid like half of that for the ozzfest!!!.

remembers me of a raffle here in Lima like 5-6 years ago. each raffle ticket was 500 bucks. the price? a ferrari 355.


Dec 6, 2001
One of the best shows I've ever seen was also the cheapest. I saw Rage Against the Machine in '92 (when their first album came out) for $6. They were on tour with House of Pain (lame) who had to cancel at the last minute, so all ticket holders got a refund (the big $12) and rage played for $6. Pretty sweet.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
how about free shows? saw the scud mountain boys (pre-Pernice Brothers) and the grifters for free at the sam adams brewery, and had free BBQ and beer.

also saw giant sand and the blake babies for free at the MIT student center, which was a good show.


Dec 6, 2001
narlus said:
how about free shows? saw the scud mountain boys (pre-Pernice Brothers) and the grifters for free at the sam adams brewery, and had free BBQ and beer.

also saw giant sand and the blake babies for free at the MIT student center, which was a good show.
The best free show I've seen was when I was living in New Orleans. The Funky Meters played for free (payed for by Tulane U actually) in the Tulane Quad the Friday before Mardi Gras. Massive party to kick off the most massive party weekend.

I also saw 311 for free back when they were doing music that remotely interested me. They couldn't draw enough of a crowd at that point, so they just played for free to get people out to the club.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
the best free? i saw sting for free in central park in nyc. i didnt even had a free ticket, but some cool dudes outside the park gave me theirs for free.


Dec 6, 2001
narlus said:
like most everything else in ireland, shows were way more expensive. typical club shows (500-1000 ppl capacity) were routinely around 25-30 euros, which is about 30-36 US greenbacks. the same shows in the US would be around $12-16 (bands i saw included stuff like calexico, mogwai, go-betweens, etc). the one "big" venue show i saw (radiohead) in dublin's largest indoor place was 55 euro or so.

the most i ever spent on a show is probably either seeing the clash and the who in '86 in shea stadium (this was the who's 1st comeback tour, when they hadn't played in a long time. i think the ticket was about $65, which was a lot of scratch for a high school student at that time (but totally worth it. it was a great show, and i was psyched to see the clash before mick jones left the band; the show i saw on the _cut the crap_ tour was pretty dismal).

the other big $ show i saw was wilco at the orpheum. got tickets from an agency via ebay, for something like $125 a seat. they were in the very front row though. i could have untied tweedy's shoes.

i've paid $75 a seat to see neil young play at the orpheum a couple times too.

all the shows were definitely worth it, imo.
I've actually come to realize lately that there are still a lot of inexpensive shows to go to now. I took my wife to see Helmet a couple of weeks ago and it was only $20 to get in. I live near the Worcester Palladium and they have metal shows all the time that are damn cheap. Slayer and Killswitch Engage played their for about $25. Shadows Fall played there last week with DamagePlan for about $20 a ticket I think, and Diecast played in the smaller room a couple of days later with several other bands for $12. My brother and I went to see the Stillborn tour there last year and paid $25 (I think) to see Hatebreed, Sick of it All, Agnostic Front, etc., along with a packed second stage (Full Blown Chaos, With Honor, etc.).


Mar 12, 2003
N. Tonawanda, NY
I have paid for 3 concert tickets in the last 20 years, so I am not up on pricing, but geez, 200 bucks to see Sully and the boys? That's ridiculous.

Some of the tours that have come through with steep prices are definitely not worth it. Eagles = 175, Neil Diamond = 150, Yanni = 100, Bette Midler = 100. I like some of those bands, but it forces the concert consumer to pick the one or two shows they want to see.

I think Garth Brooks had it right a few years back. His prices were based on arena capacity and regional income. He played 5 shows here, and tickets were like $30-50 bucks depending on location within the venue.

Sometimes I wonder how the concert business has gone so wacky. Would the show be any less if there weren't all the lights, pyro, and massive sound system? Maybe, but in my mind its the music that matters, not all the other stuff.

Just my .02
