
Stem Cell Bill

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
BurlyShirley said:
Quit taking my explanations as "MY" argument. I understand fully (or as much as the next guy who has half paid attention) how useful stemcell research can/could be. Im all for it. Im just saying that it's not consistent with his "moral" platform and there's no way to win.
The IVF argument isnt necessarily a slam dunk becuase you have to examin who you're talking to, and what they're more concerned with is purpose than practicality. Or rather, that "creating" babies is different than experimenting on them.
This is predicated on believing that it is better to stay the course than to ever change one's mind, even when one is in error.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
N8 said:
Pffft.... :rolleyes:

It wasn't like Bush flip-flopped on this.. he said long ago it would be vetoed and it was. No one should be the least bit shocked.
Seeing as how this is the first bill that Bush has vetoed, does that mean that he did flip-flop every other time he threatened a veto and didn't follow through?

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
Old Man G Funk said:
Yes, 22, but some of those are basically useless. I thought I read somewhere that there were really only 11 that were still useful, but I can't back that up.

Either way, the 22 that we have is not enough.
Actually, N8, I can back that up now. All the 22 cells lines grown on mouse feeder cells, which makes them useless for many experiments.

Also, on pg. 191 of Chris Mooney's book, he reports that during an interview with Evan Snyder, the director of the Burnham Stem Cell Institute, that Snyder says that only 6 or 7 of the 22 lines are still considered useful to researchers.