
Steppin' Up


Aug 10, 2004
Santa Cruz, CA
So, there's this sweet step-up I've been wanting to hit for a while now.

It's about a 4 foot high lip, then a gap, to this big 7-8 foot high boulder that's completely flat on top, then a drop off the other end. Looks really sweet. Don't wanna come up short.

Finally got to hit it up.

Stoked! :banana:

That is all.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
Dammit.....I was just there yesterday. I wasted my climbing on xmas valley though. The really did fvck that trail up.
Don't I know it.
Nothing like making every rocky section so dangerously flat. And EVERY turn so tight you have to lock up your brakes and cause a dust explosion.

It's heart breaking.

And are you too cool to call me when you're in town?


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Don't I know it.
Nothing like making every rocky section so dangerously flat. And EVERY turn so tight you have to lock up your brakes and cause a dust explosion.

It's heart breaking.

And are you too cool to call me when you're in town?

Yeah all those s-turns are bullshlt. Not to mention what seems to be a recent policy of throwing a bunch of crap (IE logs and branches) along the sides of trails. I got a branch stuck in my wheel yesterday and got tossed.

Not too cool to call, just too early. I started at about 3pm. Figured you guys would be working.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
Yeah all those s-turns are bullshlt. Not to mention what seems to be a recent policy of throwing a bunch of crap (IE logs and branches) along the sides of trails. I got a branch stuck in my wheel yesterday and got tossed.
someone has started the practice of outlining the sides of toad's w/ sticks.
dumb dumbs.

on another note: there have been letters to the editors from a bunch of angry hikers because the USFS is going to rework Cold Creek trail for the mountain bikers.
One such angry hiker referred to how dangerous mr. frogs trail is.
From here on out I will refer to Toads as Mr.Frogs.

Jim, you better not stay bunkered up in Santa Cruz for the rest of the summer and miss some fun riding down Mr. Frogs. It's like Toad's, but more eXtreme.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
on another note: there have been letters to the editors from a bunch of angry hikers because the USFS is going to rework Cold Creek trail for the mountain bikers.
One such angry hiker referred to how dangerous mr. frogs trail is.
From here on out I will refer to Toads as Mr.Frogs.

ooh linky please

I'm in the area again tomorrow. I lost (yes again) my phone so send me a number. I wanna ride ribbits.


Aug 10, 2004
Santa Cruz, CA
p.s.... Jim, do you have a photo of you dropping off the other side of that rock?
how was that?
The rock slopes down a bit, so the drop off the other end is pretty mellow. Plus no way you're gonna come up short! Getting on is the fun part. Got a little helmetcam, but no time to deal now...

Incidentally, there used to be a bunch of other fun stunts in this area, and most of them are taken out. :( Last year the step-up was trashed but the other stunts were there; now it's the other way around.

I think we should reserve the "Mr. Frog's" moniker for a certain alternate exit from Toad's, which of course has nothing to do with this thread. :)



Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca

I guess I didn't realize the other stunts were gone. Or maybe it was me who took them down. I was so ANGRY I couldn't hit those doubles that I ruined the fun for everyone.
Did it look like angry hikers took it down, or maybe the forest service?


What time are you thinking of riding today?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
Here is the latest in the letter to the editor in regards to angry hikers not knowing how to share.
Don't let bikes take over Cold Creek Trail
They're doing it again! One of the prettiest trails in the basin for hikers is being taken under management by the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit of the U.S. Forest Service. The Cold Creek Trail, mentioned in other recent letters, is going to become a multiuse trail if the USFS continues its plan. This would mean equestrians, hikers and bikers.

I've hiked the trail for years. It follows Cold Creek among the aspens and pines. It is a narrow trail and rocky in spots, but beautiful. Bicycles discovered it and started adding ramps and gouging the steep parts.

There are bike trails like the Corral Trail and Mr. Frog's Wild Ride which no hiker would be safe on. I've seen hikers injured by bikers on the Rim Trail. Keep the Cold Creek for hikers.

Don Heath
Zephyr Cove
The letter that got this started was:
Trail should be reserved for hikers
Why is it that hikers must continually give up their serenity to the Forest Service's idea of making "multiuse" (read that as "for mountain bikes") trails? The current threat is to the Cold Creek trail - a beautiful trail to High Meadow along a bubbly creek with the most glorious mix of aspens and firs in the area. The Cold Creek trail is a very old (1800s) historic trail made by local fishermen and hikers.

Lately, this trail has been abused by mountain bikers. It was not eroded before recently, when more and more mountain bikers began playing on it. Now, the Forest Service says the trail must be "fixed" - which may mean rerouting it so that it is a consistent grade and away from the stream and the aspens. This is not fair! We hikers (and there are many more of us than bikers) are sick and tired of having our trails made into endless boring switchbacks, we are tired of seeing bikers log rides built on the trails, and we are certainly tired of having to get off the trail (interrupting our aerobic stride on the steeper sections) to let the bikers pass.

We have already lost the Christmas Valley trail and the trail from Fountain Place to Armstrong Pass. As there are other trails in the immediate area made specifically for mountain bikes, Cold Creek is the perfect place for a hikers-only trail. Let's keep the mountain bikes off the Cold Creek trail, and let them have their own trail on the road side of the creek, where there is plenty of room to build a perfect bike trail.

Let the Forest Service know that the Cold Creek trail - a gem in the middle of the populated area off Pioneer Trail - should not be altered except by keeping the bikes off. Enough is enough!

Gay Havens
South Lake Tahoe

and here was the only letter written by someone w/ 1/2 a brain
Cold Creek trail should be shared
In response to Gay Havens' notion that the Cold Creek Multiuse Trail is in some way her personal walking path (letters, Aug. 12), I can assure you that it isn't.

I have been hiking, running, biking and enjoying the Cold Creek Trail since the age of 11, which is 23 years. Cold Creek residents and tourists alike have been biking the trail since before the term "mountain bike" was in existence, and I feel pretty confident that bikes outnumber hikers on this trail.

The Forest Service does an excellent job of maintaining this trail for multiple uses, and I look forward to any improvements they feel will help stabilize the trail for all of us. Trail repair and adjustments for erosion control are common on all trails, including those that are designated for hiking only.

Your romantic fantasy about a trail created by fishermen and hikers is also a bit skewed. Much of the lower trail was created by now-prohibited ATVs and the rest by stray cattle which grazed High Meadows.

If you can't possibly bear the thought of sharing trails with gangs of rogue bicyclists, then I suggest you take your walks on the many trails that are designated as pedestrian and equestrian only. The rest of us will continue to share the mountain.

Brett Long
South Lake Tahoe


mr. amy
Mar 21, 2007
so. tahoe
The rock slopes down a bit, so the drop off the other end is pretty mellow. Plus no way you're gonna come up short! Getting on is the fun part. Got a little helmetcam, but no time to deal now...

So I figured out how to log on to RM again - Here's your proper interweb props Jim: SICK MENTAL! & WICKED HELLA!

Seriously most of this stuff located in people's backyards here being built by the local teenagers off the goat trails of real trails, so getting torn down monthly or finding booby traps is always expected.