
Steve Jobs has died :-(


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
the man changed the world of computing, portable music and cell phones.

i know many people who have died of pancreatic cancer and others who have battled through several bouts of it. cancer sucks


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
My 44yo brother is fighting pancreatic cancer and Steve's ability to endure so long has been an inspiration for him.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
He's got Whipple surgery scheduled for 10/13.
For my nieces' sake, I hope he comes out of it OK.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
RIP Herr Jobs.

Is it too early for a funeral music app?


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
That sucks.
RIP to a marketing wizard.
Effective marketing of BS alternative medicine lead to his premature death. He found out in 2003 and waited 9 months to go for real treatment.


During a routine abdominal scan, doctors had discovered a tumor growing in his pancreas. While a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is often tantamount to a swiftly executed death sentence, a biopsy revealed that Jobs had a rare - and treatable - form of the disease. If the tumor were surgically removed, Jobs' prognosis would be promising: The vast majority of those who underwent the operation survived at least ten years.

Yet to the horror of the tiny circle of intimates in whom he'd confided, Jobs was considering not having the surgery at all. A Buddhist and vegetarian, the Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) CEO was skeptical of mainstream medicine. Jobs decided to employ alternative methods to treat his pancreatic cancer, hoping to avoid the operation through a special diet - a course of action that hasn't been disclosed until now.

For nine months Jobs pursued this approach, as Apple's board of directors and executive team secretly agonized over the situation - and whether the company needed to disclose anything about its CEO's health to investors. Jobs, after all, was widely viewed as Apple's irreplaceable leader, personally responsible for everything from the creation of the iPod to the selection of the chef in the company cafeteria. News of his illness, especially with an uncertain outcome, would surely send the company's stock reeling. The board decided to say nothing, after seeking advice on its obligations from two outside lawyers, who agreed it could remain silent.
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Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Shame anyone has to die from cancer. As far as his beliefs, when you are diagnosed, you try anything and everything. If our "traditional" treatment is so good, why do people still get and die from cancer?

And I'm pretty sure life is terminal, so you fight the fight you're in and do what you can. Who knows, maybe his diet and treatment will advance and be a real alternative some day.

RIP Mr. Jobs and condolence to your family and friends.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Who knows, maybe his diet and treatment will advance and be a real alternative some day.
The doctors knew from the body of scientific studies that immediate and aggressive treatment is effective in the type of pancreatic cancer he had, this wasn't unknown territory. Unproven treatments/placebos are best left to less serious conditions.

You don't challenge the experts with risks like that - those are the facts, not my judgement.

Forbes said:
While a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is often tantamount to a swiftly executed death sentence, a biopsy revealed that Jobs had a rare - and treatable - form of the disease. If the tumor were surgically removed, Jobs' prognosis would be promising: The vast majority of those who underwent the operation survived at least ten years.
See also:
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e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Why do you seriously care?? He made a decision and it ultimately did not pan out his way. It was his decision and his families.

I am baffled that you can't get over it and hold him as a horrible man because of his choice.

Get over it.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
you do realize he did have a form of Whipple surgery right?
As the article said, 9 months after he was advised to remove it. You do understand early detection and treatment of cancer is vitally important for long term survival?

P.S. Tomorrow I go to my friend's father's funeral, he died of complications from cancer on Sunday. My aunt in Florida also died last month and another aunt in Alaska currently has brain cancer. I'm also going to a remission party in CA later this month for yet another Aunt.
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I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
As the article said, 9 months after he was advised to remove it. You do understand early detection and treatment of cancer is vitally important for long term survival?

P.S. Tomorrow I go to my friend's father's funeral, he died of complications from cancer on Sunday. My aunt in Florida also died last month and another aunt in Alaska currently has brain cancer. I'm also going to a remission party in CA later this month for yet another Aunt.
and even with the surgery, patients generally lived up to 10 years. he made it 8. i guess he failed at that too huh?

are you going to start some BS argument at those funerals like you did here? :think:


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Pancreatic cancer is one of the forgotten cancers...nobody cares. No money in it. No awareness of it. Take some of your pink ribbons and start a walk for the cure (tm) for PC. Jmho, cancers are largely treatable wit h maximum notice.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Pancreatic cancer is one of the forgotten cancers...nobody cares. No money in it. No awareness of it. Take some of your pink ribbons and start a walk for the cure (tm) for PC. Jmho, cancers are largely treatable wit h maximum notice.
well....breasts are sexier....