
*** still kicking GMT ++


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
(Asymmetry to conjure up 'squeeb)

Woke up with chills, assumed it was the covid but nope! Heater was off. One jiggled wire later and it's warming nicely, but now I'm up.

Weekend full of nothing ahead.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
(Asymmetry to conjure up 'squeeb)

Woke up with chills, assumed it was the covid but nope! Heater was off. One jiggled wire later and it's warming nicely, but now I'm up.

Weekend full of nothing ahead.
Glad to hear you are still kicking.

Kiddo has two birthday parties this weekend, none of which I am attending. Planning to try out a new accidentally grapple bucket today. Should make treeline work way easier.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hola, quesos. Slept a shitload last night. I'm about to go to the food store for the weekly reload. Wife's away for the weekend so I'm flying solo with the dog here. I'll hop on the kickr later for some indoor bike riding fun.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
(Asymmetry to conjure up 'squeeb)

Woke up with chills, assumed it was the covid but nope! Heater was off. One jiggled wire later and it's warming nicely, but now I'm up.

Weekend full of nothing ahead.
How's the transformation into Iron man going?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Up studying. Layla has figured out that she can push Hannah's door open in the morning in an attempt to wake her up to be fed earlier, as Hannah feeds her. She did it after I woke up and let her out of our room at 5:30am. Layla will not be getting fed until much later than usual and was sent to her crate after waking Hannah up. Hopefully she figures this out after a few times and cuts this shit out.

Wrote an email to my manager and our regional director yesterday making it clear that the younger guy on our team is quickly getting burned out because he's picked up the load of two people over the last few weeks. Made it clear that if we don't give him some real acknowledgement (ie. money), that we'll lose him too and be totally fucked. It doesn't have to be a ton, even a few hundred bucks, which we can do through our internal promotion system (has value you can cash out as gift cards). One positive comment has a slight value ($10) that can be multiplied by each person up the food chain that promotes it and we can easily get it up there. My manager called me last night and thanked me for writing the email, as it's added traction to what he's been saying already. He added a multiplier and cc'd up to our VP with his comments. Hopefully we can get the kid some value in the interim until our team is replenished.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Might try another ramp test today as I haven't gotten on the trainer much the past week due to my cold. Desperate to start doing something but have been totally unable to due to congestion or lingering fatigue. Oh well, life sucks then you die.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I feel cheapened, our kudos nonsense is only $5.
It used to be $5. But all of the gift cards are more expensive now, so they increased the payout. I just assume they did it to make the value look better.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Mostly dry weather this week and two days of frost made for some amazing trail conditions. Trails were fast and with tons of grip. I have not been on the bike since before Christmas so we conserved energy for the downhill section and had fun where it counted.

Last piece of Christmas is gone as I took down the lights outside on a couple of trees as its starting to get lighter in the morning too. With spring flowers popping out of the ground it's starting to feel a bit like spring plus mild weather continues which is the norm. Looks like my Spanish Daisies will survive another winter placed up against the wall.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning. Much coffee to be consumed as we prepare for the hell that is 20 teenagers having a party here to celebrate Syd turning 17 (yes, the original is going to be 17 which is impossible because she was born like a couple of years ago). EEK...
I have been prepping SO much food, hot tub, sledding, a bonfire, ice cream sundaes, games, loud music and shenanigans. Here's to hoping Sq-Earl & I survive!


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Went and watched some EV racing today.
The green color is ozone, it is given off by brushed DC motors, it makes the earth happy and healthy.

5000ISO takes all of the sharpness, haha!


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
damn ours start at $100
If @stoney 's thing is like mine it's a website where you have a credit of points to away colleagues each month. I think I have 3000/month which is given out in blocks of 500. You can then spend the points on crap or just buy visa gift card every so often. It's not just you're given a $100 gift card - although executive management might do that for people occasionally.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Crashed out two hours early last night so dogs woke me up after their normal 7 hours to go poop. It was fucking 2 am and 36°F and dogs have to be on leash. At least they all pooped after making me get dressed. Of course I just spilled my coffee. Back to the camper to make more


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Well shit on a stick and call me Rick.

Was driving and, luckily, was only a few kilometers from the house, when the oil warning light started flickering on the dash. Freakin' eh. Checked oil, which is full and the car doesn't leak any so....must be the pressure or a bad sensor?

Turned around, held my breath and drove home. Will get it towed on Monday to a shop to get tested. Fingers crossed its just a shitty oil filter from the last change or a bad sensor.


And I had just swapped the cassette and brake rotor over and stole the girlfriend's fatbike wheel and was excited for a ride. Would be prime conditions today.

Oh well, I guess I'll go for another walk.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Well shit on a stick and call me Rick.

Was driving and, luckily, was only a few kilometers from the house, when the oil warning light started flickering on the dash. Freakin' eh. Checked oil, which is full and the car doesn't leak any so....must be the pressure or a bad sensor?

Turned around, held my breath and drove home. Will get it towed on Monday to a shop to get tested. Fingers crossed its just a shitty oil filter from the last change or a bad sensor.


And I had just swapped the cassette and brake rotor over and stole the girlfriend's fatbike wheel and was excited for a ride. Would be prime conditions today.

Oh well, I guess I'll go for another walk.
Probably the oil pump.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
(Asymmetry to conjure up 'squeeb)

Woke up with chills, assumed it was the covid but nope! Heater was off. One jiggled wire later and it's warming nicely, but now I'm up.

Weekend full of nothing ahead.

since you asked ...

I did manage to fall back asleep. Moar permanent fix to the furnace relay wire completed, coffee drunked, mounting & tuning some skis for a friend later.
Covid meds seem to be working. Not feeling good but definitely better than the past two days. Science, bishes!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
If @stoney 's thing is like mine it's a website where you have a credit of points to away colleagues each month. I think I have 3000/month which is given out in blocks of 500. You can then spend the points on crap or just buy visa gift card every so often. It's not just you're given a $100 gift card - although executive management might do that for people occasionally.
yea, ours is the same setup basically. they use it for service anniversaries too, but the points from service anniversaries can't be cashed out for gift cards.
Well shit on a stick and call me Rick.

Was driving and, luckily, was only a few kilometers from the house, when the oil warning light started flickering on the dash. Freakin' eh. Checked oil, which is full and the car doesn't leak any so....must be the pressure or a bad sensor?

Turned around, held my breath and drove home. Will get it towed on Monday to a shop to get tested. Fingers crossed its just a shitty oil filter from the last change or a bad sensor.


And I had just swapped the cassette and brake rotor over and stole the girlfriend's fatbike wheel and was excited for a ride. Would be prime conditions today.

Oh well, I guess I'll go for another walk.
With oil light on I wouldn't drive a foot. Or let it idle.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Well shit on a stick and call me Rick.

Was driving and, luckily, was only a few kilometers from the house, when the oil warning light started flickering on the dash. Freakin' eh. Checked oil, which is full and the car doesn't leak any so....must be the pressure or a bad sensor?

Turned around, held my breath and drove home. Will get it towed on Monday to a shop to get tested. Fingers crossed its just a shitty oil filter from the last change or a bad sensor.


And I had just swapped the cassette and brake rotor over and stole the girlfriend's fatbike wheel and was excited for a ride. Would be prime conditions today.

Oh well, I guess I'll go for another walk.
Not a good sign. If the engine has been properly maintained and the filter or oil pump inlet has clogged it means something else had a catastrophic failure. Cross your fingers for a worn out pump.