Radio personality Howard Stern was suspended from Clear Channel stations.
FCC cracks down on various radio stations.
Stock Tip -- XM radio
Since they're not on the public airwaves, they don't fall under the FCCs jurisdiction. XM should do everything they can to land an exclusive contract with Howard Stern... I bet half his listeners would subscribe to the $10/month service. If I were you, I'd put some money into XM Radio. I have no stock -- I'm too poor -- and I have no information other than my speculation, but don't be surprised if XM goes after a big name like Howard, or even Howard himself. If just 100,000 of his listeners -- a small percentage of his audience? -- bought into XM specifically for him, that's $1million/month in subscriber fees. Pay Howard and his crew $3million/year and that's a significant ROI.
FCC cracks down on various radio stations.
Stock Tip -- XM radio
Since they're not on the public airwaves, they don't fall under the FCCs jurisdiction. XM should do everything they can to land an exclusive contract with Howard Stern... I bet half his listeners would subscribe to the $10/month service. If I were you, I'd put some money into XM Radio. I have no stock -- I'm too poor -- and I have no information other than my speculation, but don't be surprised if XM goes after a big name like Howard, or even Howard himself. If just 100,000 of his listeners -- a small percentage of his audience? -- bought into XM specifically for him, that's $1million/month in subscriber fees. Pay Howard and his crew $3million/year and that's a significant ROI.