
stolen baby penguin


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
LONDON - A baby penguin thought to have been snatched from a zoo as a quirky festive gift is unlikely to survive until Christmas Day, his keeper warned Tuesday.

Toga, a three-month old jackass penguin, was stolen from Amazon World on the Isle of Wight in southern England on Saturday.

Zoo manager Kath Bright said the bird, who was taken from a compound where he lived with his parents and four other penguins, would probably die of malnutrition if not urgently returned.

"Toga is very, very vulnerable. The penguin is still being fed by his parents and we don't believe it could survive more than five days," she told The Associated Press.

"The bird has already been missing for around three days and is likely to be severely dehydrated. If he isn't returned before Thursday he is likely to become so ill that even intensive care treatment won't save him."

The brown and white penguin will bite if frightened and refuses to be fed by human hand, Bright said. Toga is too young to have yet had a gender confirmed, but along with tradition, is referred to as a male, she added..

Bright said there was no sign of forced entry to the pen, but said a thief would have been able to climb into the compound and carry Toga away.

"We can't understand what may have been going through the thief's head, but we are worried someone decided a penguin would make the perfect Christmas gift," she added. "There has been a lot of attention because of the film 'March of the Penguins.' Perhaps someone saw the film and thought their wife or girlfriend would be thrilled to have one as a present."

The French movie was a box-office hit and has been credited with drawing tourists to penguin spotting sites across the world.



Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
johnbryanpeters said:
Try looking that up on Snopes.com. The story is false.
It just came across the A.P. about an hour ago just because it once was false doesn't mean somebody could steal one for real...


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
More Jackass penguin facts:

The jackass penguin, a flightless seabird, is found nowhere in the world except off the coast of southern Africa, i.e. it is endemic to this area. It breeds on 24 offshore islands between Namibia and Port Elizabeth. Additional colonies were established in the 1980s on the mainland at Betty's Bay and Simonstown. There is also a colony on the mainland of Namibia, although it is not known when this colony was established. Nesting on the mainland is unusual for jackass penguins because they are ground-nesting birds and are vulnerable to the many predators on the mainland.

Jackass penguins used to nest by burrowing into guano (bird droppings which have accumulated into a hardish substance, sometimes several metres deep). Most of the nutrient-rich guano was removed for fertiliser in the 19th century. Penguins now nest in burrows in sand, under overhanging rocks, under bushes, or even in the open. Jackass penguins can breed at any time of the year, usually laying two eggs. Most adult birds feed during the day and the chicks are fed regurgitated food in the late afternoon. The parent birds take turns in guarding the nest site and catching food. Fish eaten include sardine, maasbanker and anchovy. Squid are also eaten.



The total present population of jackass penguins is about 120 000 birds. In 1930, the total population numbered at least 1,2 million birds. Penguin numbers have therefore decreased by at least 90% in 60 years, and this fall is continuing. Dassen Island, off Yzerfontein, may have once sheltered over 1 million penguins - it now has about 30 000. Dyer Island, near Gaansbaai, now has about 20 000 penguins. The largest colony at present is St. Croix Island near Port Elizabeth, with about 50 000 penguins.



The collapse of the jackass penguin population this century has been a result of the following:

* Harvesting of eggs for human consumption.

* Reduction of the penguin's food supply by commercial fishing.

* Oil pollution from oil tankers. This could devastate the major colonies. Oil tankers may illegally clean out their tanks as they pass round the Cape to fill up with oil in the middle east.

* Large-scale removal of guano in the 19th century has decreased the ability of penguins to construct nests through burrowing. This has led to increased competition for breeding space with larger animals such as seals. Penguins breeding on the mainland are vulnerable to mainland predators not found on islands, such as leopards, genets and domestic dogs and cats, and also to human disturbance unless the colonies are adequately fenced and patrolled.



All the islands where jackass penguins breed, except Robben Island, are protected as provincial nature reserves or fall within the West Coast National Park.
However, there is competition with seals for the limited breeding space available on some islands, and some individual seals are known to kill and eat penguins. At Mercury Island seals have been successfully displaced from penguin breeding sites. At Dassen and Robben Islands steps have been taken to eliminate the feral cat populations.

Efforts have been made to protect the new mainland breeding colonies at Betty's Bay and Simonstown. A 100-metre fence has been erected at Stony Point peninsula at Betty's Bay, and this is successfully preventing human disturbance and attacks by predators. The colony has grown to more than 100 nesting pairs.

The South African National Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) carries out valuable work in rescuing oil-soaked penguins (and other seabirds) and rehabilitating them back to the wild. SANCCOB has one of the world's highest rates of success in saving oiled seabirds, primarily because penguins respond better to captivity and cleaning than do flying birds.



* Support SANCCOB as a volunteer, cleaning and feeding oil- soaked or injured penguins and other seabirds.

* Take oiled or injured penguins or seabirds to SANCCOB.

* Support SANCCOB by raising money for their work.



* Jackass penguins are fast swimmers with an average speed of about 7 km\hour.

* Jackass penguins are efficient navigators. One oiled penguin which was rescued, cleaned and released on Robben Island in August 1971, travelled 800 km to Port Elizabeth within a month.



ROBERTS' BIRDS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA. G.L. Maclean. John Voelcker Bird Fund, Cape Town, 1985.

OCEANS OF LIFE OFF SOUTHERN AFRICA. A. Payne and R. Crawford (eds). Vlaeberg Publishers, Cape Town, 1989.

SECRETS OF THE SEAS. Illustrated guide to marine life off southern Africa. A. Payne and R. Crawford (eds). Vlaeberg Publishers, Cape Town, 1992.

All books are available from Russel Friedman Books, PO Box 73, Halfway House 1685. Tel. 011-7022300/1.



SANCCOB (South African National Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds). Cape Town, PO Box 11-116, Bloubergrant, 7443. Tel. 021-5576155.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
dh girlie said:
Wow...well if I were a pen goo win I would want to be a jackass pen goo win...I don't like emperor pen goo wins cuz they are like 4 feet tall and that is just wrong...scary...a pen goo win should be little...

How did you become an Emporer penguin?

The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the
purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of
the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, was to become Emporer Penguin.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Westy said:
How did you become an Emporer penguin?

The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the
purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of
the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, was to become Emporer Penguin.
if I went around sayin' I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd put me away!

dh girlie

Westy said:
How did you become an Emporer penguin?

The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the
purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of
the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, was to become Emporer Penguin.

Huh? I never said I was an emperor penguin...I said if I were a pen goo win...I would like to be a jackass pen goo win...but not an emporer pen goo win...cuz they are big...scary big...like should not be a pen goo win big...get it?


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
johnbryanpeters said:
I hate it when I get caught shooting off my yap when I don't know what I'm talking about. I was thinking of the Boston story.

Also Snopes.

As usual, I don't know who or what to believe.

I and the JackAss Penguin's family accept your apology.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Say, what color HAYER does the PEN GOO WIN have in that THAYER pic? Do you think he was SCAYERD and asked for help from his friend the polar BAYER? :p

DHG, your invented language never fails to crack me up.

dh girlie

OGRipper said:
Say, what color HAYER does the PEN GOO WIN have in that THAYER pic? Do you think he was SCAYERD and asked for help from his friend the polar BAYER? :p

DHG, your invented language never fails to crack me up.
Heh...well...shucks...thanks...however, I do need to give props to the Beastie Boys for 'hayer' and props to Bugs Bunny for 'pen goo win' :D