
Stolen bike alert

Jonny Wray

Oct 4, 2001
San Francisco
I just saw this in the SF bike coalition news letter. Thought people might be interested:

Berkeley police raided Karim Cycle last week (hoorah!!) and found bikes which owners had reported stolen, and others with altered or defaced serial numbers. Police need our help to make a strong case against what appears to be a deep-rooted bike theft operation, and return as many stolen bikes as possible to their heartbroken owners -- if you were the victim of a bike thief in the past year, be sure to contact San Francisco and Berkeley police with your bike's serial number as soon as possible (SFPD: 415-553-0123; Berkeley PD: 510-981-5900).


Mar 16, 2005
I called that number but the SF po-po don't answer...then you get tranferred to the 911 dispatch who dont answer. For SF call Burglary at 415-553-1351, ask for bike theft and you will be transferred to Officer DeLaviega (SP? like the jump spot in SC)..oh but he's not in today Thursday, so leave a message w/ SN, but due to the high volume of calls they will only return the call if they have a match. Damn Po-Po

Thanks for posting that though......there's a sliver of hope.