
Stolen Bullit in S.F. pic and question.........


Dingus McGee

...I want to turn this horrible negative into a positive and finally get a DH frame to replace the Bullit. Barring a miracle, it will have to be used. I was wondering what to look fot in a used Turner DHR (what year to look for, problem areas, etc) or other highend DH frame that races very well and still jumps, hucks (and even wheelies), etc. I want a fairly light DH racer. I am easy on equipment. I am also 6' 2"....any DHR rider that size squeeze onto a Medium?

Thanks for any advice (the theft was in SF, BTW - Here is a flyer with pic/info
F@#$%! every part on that bike was tweeked, modified special or weird.
Sanjay's brake, Saboos cranks, etc......irreplaceable.
A real bummer and my fault....I turned my back on it for half a minute.




Feb 26, 2003
South Bay Area, CA
Man, that's a nice ride. I hope you get it back :( I'll keep my eye out on the trails.

Can't tell you much about the DHR.. maybe run a search in the DH forum and it'll tell you plenty. All I know is that they got killer CS ;)

El Santo

Apr 14, 2002
the 'burbs of SF
I am truly sorry for your loss. It is such a violation to have your rig swiped- I had an Ironhorse SGS team stolen less than a year ago, so I completely empathize. If I see this schmuck on the trails I will lead with the forearm.

As far as Turner DHRs, go here:


and page Inkpad or Elvisfink, who both ride for team Honda/Turner down in OC. Both of them have been riding for Turner since they were fetuses, and will likely be able to steer you in the right direction to get hooked up.

Such a bummer. When you get your new rig page me for a ride.


Dingus McGee

IronJim said:
have you had any luck with it??

Uh, no.....I've let it go - what can one do?

I'm am reduced to riding a mid 90's Cannondale HT with a yellow Judy (1st year). It's barely like riding a bike. I don't even ride off-road...just to work.

The only thing DH about it is the red fork brace off a Judy 'DH' -LOL!

The thing is twice as fast as the Bullit in traffic, though. I just take out my frustrations doing mediocre street art on it.


Dingus McGee

IronJim said:
have you had any luck with it??

Uh, no.....I've let it go - what can one do?

I'm am reduced to riding a mid 90's Cannondale HT with a yellow Judy (1st year). It's barely like riding a bike. I don't even ride off-road...just to work.

The only thing DH about it is the red fork brace off a Judy 'DH' -LOL!

The thing is twice as fast as the Bullit in traffic, though. I just take out my frustrations doing mediocre street art on it. I really miss downhill wheelies here on the streets of SF.

I am looking for some tuff urban/park/dj semislick tires....any ideas?


Jan 16, 2002
nor cal
Dingus McGee said:
Uh, no.....I've let it go - what can one do?

I'm am reduced to riding a mid 90's Cannondale HT with a yellow Judy (1st year). It's barely like riding a bike. I don't even ride off-road...just to work.

The only thing DH about it is the red fork brace off a Judy 'DH' -LOL!

The thing is twice as fast as the Bullit in traffic, though. I just take out my frustrations doing mediocre street art on it.

God, I'm sorry, but I empathize. I've been riding this pos rockhopper because I don't have the duckets to buy what I really wanna ride! (Damn school...)
Anyway, I'm just wondering what the scenario was when the bike was stolen. If you have Saboo's cranks, then you know his bike got stolen, what last year? Where were you? Just curious, definitely not assigning blame on the victim...I'd just like a nice visual...