
Stolen custom singlespeed in SF Bay Area


Apr 9, 2004
Tempe, AZ
A good friend of mine had the back window of his car broken and his singlespeed stolen out of the car two nights ago in San Francisco. All comments about leaving bikes in cars overnight aside, we would obviously really like to get the bike back. It is a custom-built Zanotti Cycles steel frame with fillet brazing and Kavik modular dropouts, painted dark green, white, and red Italian flag-style. Even if it gets repainted, the fillet brazing and dropouts should make it reasonably easy to identify. When it was stolen it also had a RockShox SID fork on it.

(more pictures can be found here .)

If anyone sees this bike for sale somewhere or has any information about it, please please please let me know. Thanks!

Dingus McGee

I'm on the streets like Karl Malden everyday (well a small portion of SF) and will be on the lookout. Sorry to hear about that.

?- What part of town did it happen in?


Dec 8, 2003
Menlo Park, CA
I'll be looking around for it, making sure my shop knows, and I'll make sure Chris Zanotti knows it's been stolen. Good luck finding it, I'll be keeping an eye out on the mid-peninsula.

I remeber seeing that steed when it was chillin at Mike's Bikes in Palo Alto awhile back, and it's the best looking SS i've seen in a long time. I really hope that you recover it. :(

Dingus McGee

Originally posted by sistinas
The car was parked on South Park by 2nd Street, up by the Embarcadero / Pacbell Stadium.

In that case, I would contact Road Rage Cyles is S.F. (SOMA),
lotsa downtown petty thiefs go there to sell stolen rigs and the owners are well aware of this. My daily commute takes me all along the 3rd ST corridor from HP to Dogpatch/16TH...I'll scope the homeless camps I pass (and there are ALOT). gOOD LUCK.


Apr 9, 2004
Tempe, AZ
Grande... it IS Chris's bike. It was stolen out of his car! He was sending it off for a magazine review.

P.S. You know who this is - I work downstairs. Haha.

Dingus McGee

Is that the place where the wheelbuilders are upstairs?

Bikael Molton

goofy for life
Jun 9, 2003
El Lay
If you/he hasn't already, you should definitely post this on www.craigslist.org also. You might find a fellow rider who's already "rescued" the bike from some crackhead. There are so many local riders who commute around the city everyday and read CL... that bike will be hard to miss with that paintjob!

If you're down for some sleuthing... it's a good idea to spend some time looking around within a block or two of 6th and Market/Mission sts. Lots of hot bikes get sold/traded around there. You might see it and have to spend $30 to buy it back.

Also, locations under/around the freeway between 10th and the bay are good sites for stolen bike recovery.

Check both the Laney & Ashby fleamarkets in Oakland; at least one friend has found his stolen bike there. Lots of hot bikes change hands at the flea markets, though I'm not sure if a bike stolen in SF will make it over there.
Karim cyclery in Berkeley has a rep for having hot bikes too.

good luck!

-rob in SF


Feb 14, 2002
Zanotti got his bike stolen? that sucks. I use to work with him when he was at the bicycle outfitters. sure hope he gets that back


Dec 8, 2003
Menlo Park, CA
Originally posted by sistinas
Grande... it IS Chris's bike. It was stolen out of his car! He was sending it off for a magazine review.

P.S. You know who this is - I work downstairs. Haha.

Me feel stupid. Well, I'll let Chris know regardless. ;) After all, he is my stand-mate.