
STOLEN Sinister DNA Team from Mt Snow


Dec 4, 2003
PEI, Canada
Very uncool. I had one of my bikes stolen before and the bike theif drove by me on it 2 days later. I chased him down down on my 04 hun and gave him the option of the easy way or hard way. After he realized he stole a bike from a crazy redneck who was going to inact the law of street justice on his ass, he took off running. I was happy to get the bike back and just let him run. But I do see him around town alot. Didn't people's parents teach them not to steal.


Dec 22, 2003
I so wanna chase a bike theif one day, its be mad fun to kick him off the bike while hes going like 30 mph.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
One of my friends just got his bike stolen at Whistler.........

Bike theives can all go to hell. :devil:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
B1105 said:
I so wanna chase a bike theif one day, its be mad fun to kick him off the bike while hes going like 30 mph.

I got to clip one in the neck with my elbow in a nice flying leap out of a doorway... he ended up with quite a beating and the revocation of his parole plus additional grand theft charges (and a big chunk of missing hair from where I tried to beat his head into a payphone), all for a chance at owning/pawning my friend's '99 Gary Fisher Joshua.

It was a total blindside as he was intently riding away...it was awesome. It was even better when the cops carted him away after having his ass beaten by me, 2 friends, and an off-duty cop who weighed like 270.

I hope Dave Smutok gets a chance to do the same to the assbag who took his bike.