


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
:( :(

My bike was stolen out of my truck early this morning. I put it in the back late last night cause I was going to stop at the park on the way to work this morning. I had it tied in with my lock, but the way it attaches the lock can be pried off from where it attaches to the truck bed...well that's what happened. I was stupid for puting it out last night just to save a couple minutes in the morning so it's my mistake, but it still sucks. At least it was just my bmx which I didn't pay much for and got super deals on most of the gear. I'm going to see what is covered by renter's insurance, but I have a feeling my deductable is more that the bike was worth.

So long good friend:



Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002

I hate bike theives, or thieves in general i guess.

that sucks, sorry to hear it.

I'm guessing you don't have a canopy on your truck? do lots of kids live in your area? any idea who could have taken it?

man, that sucks....


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Man that sux the major wang... every so often someone gets a nice bike ripped from the skatepark, man ya just can't leave your sh!t unattended for 5 seconds these days :(


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
no canopy, the lock was on more as a detterrant than an actuall security device, but obviously that didn't work...it's my fault for taking it out the night before. There aren't really many kids in my 'hood at all. I have no clue who could have taken it because I haven't seen anyone who lives around who'd even be interested in a bmx bike.

my renter's ins has a $500 decuctable, which is waaay more than I put into that bike (I guess that's the one positive, I didn't much of an financial investment into the bike, at least not like my mtb's which were safely locked in my storage room)

I'm going to call the local pawn shops just to inform them...I don't know if that will help at all but it's worth a shot


Nov 15, 2001
Marysville WA
Steve. I have a lot of BMX parts laying around my house. Almost a complete bike. Just needs a seatpost, seat, front wheel and tire, tubes, chain, brake cable, and brakes.

Its nothing terribly fancy. It would get you by though for a while anyway.

Haro mirra 540 frame
Haro forks
no name bars
no name stem
diatech something lever
profile race cranks
FBM 36t sprocket with guard
my old wheel, hazard hub on Alex J rim and 16t freewheel

I have a bald primo wall and a few other tires too. It would work for a while my friend. Let me know


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Originally posted by SR
my renter's ins has a $500 decuctable, which is waaay more than I put into that bike
Get a shop to write you a reciept at full retail for everything on the bike. They will most likely do it for you, as long as you assure them that you will buy the stuff from them after you get your insurance money :)


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
good idea...I will stop by the shop later today.

thank you good friend schaefie for your generosity, I will most likely take you up on your offer. I can provide you with parts you may need if I have them or I could give you some greenbacks:cool:


Nov 15, 2001
Marysville WA
Originally posted by SR
good idea...I will stop by the shop later today.

thank you good friend schaefie for your generosity, I will most likely take you up on your offer. I can provide you with parts you may need if I have them or I could give you some greenbacks:cool:

I could much use a few greenbacks.......it could make a pretty good complete bike with a few parts......We will have to get together soon.


Aug 16, 2003
Totally sucks, bike theft has been a big problem for me and my friends here in So.Cal

My friend got pushed off his bike at fullerton skatepark and the guy sprinted to a waiting truck and they took off, my other friend got his stricker stolen, but for some reason S&M felt bad for him and gave him another one for FREE! then that free bike got stolen right in front of us at Jack In the BOX, so we chased the guy done and laid into him in a near by alley. Take that bike thieves! Thats my experiences with stolen bikes and im only 17
Sep 18, 2001
Marin County CA
Just because you didn't pay for most of it doesn't mean it wasn't worth a lot of money. The insurance should pay for the amount that it will cost to REPLACE that bike, not how much you paid for it.


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
Originally posted by hardtail_schmuk
Just because you didn't pay for most of it doesn't mean it wasn't worth a lot of money. The insurance should pay for the amount that it will cost to REPLACE that bike, not how much you paid for it.
I understand that, however, my deductable is more than I paid for the bike so no matter what I'm still out a few hundred bucks.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
dude. that sucks period. you say you need a seat post? i have a poverty one i could send you if you want it... i think its 1in size i dunno though. i guess you could pm me.

good luck. if you find the theify theif give em the good old cement shoes...


Nov 15, 2001
Marysville WA
Originally posted by monkeyboy424
dude. that sucks period. you say you need a seat post? i have a poverty one i could send you if you want it... i think its 1in size i dunno though. i guess you could pm me.

good luck. if you find the theify theif give em the good old cement shoes...
one inch size is perfect :)


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
Originally posted by monkeyboy424
dude. that sucks period. you say you need a seat post? i have a poverty one i could send you if you want it... i think its 1in size i dunno though. i guess you could pm me.

good luck. if you find the theify theif give em the good old cement shoes...
that would be very cool...I'd appreciate it. A positive out of it all is I got a chance to ride my mtb on sunday and put good use to your fork (as you've seen from those pics)


Jul 27, 2003
Yeah that sucks. Your bike was set up alot like mine. So anyway, I have some brakes and a stem. The brakes are Hombres (almost new) and a Primo stem and they are yours if you could use them to set you up a new ride.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Originally posted by freerider215
Yeah that sucks. Your bike was set up alot like mine. So anyway, I have some brakes and a stem. The brakes are Hombres (almost new) and a Primo stem and they are yours if you could use them to set you up a new ride.
Steve, you are good peeps! :cool: :thumb:


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Sorry to hear your baby got jacked.
I had a MTB I saved up for for 6 months stolen once, so I fell your pain.

Here is what we do to bike theives:

Hope you get it back - and how cool are these other forum guys?


Good luck.


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
yes you guys are very cool for offering me stuff to build a replacement. if you need anything in return I can see what I have sitting around (mtb parts) If you want, I can cover any shipping on anything you're willing to send

thanks all

pm me if you need my addy:)



Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA

I got my s&m back today:D

I was driving downtown when, out of the corner of my eye, I spot a red bmx bike with back bars and fork...low and behold it was mine! The guy was just chillin down by the bus station talkin it up with a bunch of people. SO I pull over and call the cops on my cell. Luckily I had pics I printed out in my car so I could use as proof when the cops showed up. Strange thing was when I was on the phone with the dispatcher I noticed the guy turn the bike upside down on the sidewalk and then get in the back of some car that just drove off. So I get off the phone with the dispatcher and when and sat on a bench right next to the bike and waited for the cops to show up. A minute or so later two cop cars roll up and they guy that was 'watching' the bike for his budy slowly backs away from the bike. I show them the pics I had and they ask around to see who was riding it. Appearently they knew who the guy was and were going to keep an eye out for him when he returned. They let me leave with the bike and said "sorry you had to do our job for us". Fine by me, since I got my ride back. The guy changed the seat and post, since I had the post cut down to about 5 inches. Problem is he used a post with a larger daimeter and just jammed it in there, so I have to figure a way to get it out. I don't know what happened, or will happen to the dirty theif, but at least I got my bike back!!

:thumb: :thumb:


i said change it damn it....Janet...Slut!!
Aug 3, 2003
i hope he got in the car to like do drugs or something, thn when he got back they busted him for stealing and like heroin use or soemthing....thatd be funny...
anyway, glad to hear you got it back, and gluck with that seapost issue....


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002

to bad you didn't get to kick some ass as well.

I once pounded a seat post into a frame and the only way I could get it out was to hand saw it with a hacksaw blade. it sucked the biggest bunch of suck that ever sucked.

first, I took it to a friends work who had a HUGE vice. we clamped the post into the vice and five big dudes and little 'ol me pushed and pulled and twisted the frame but got NOWHERE.

I ended up with a glove, a hacksaw blade and half a case of beer. I cut one big cut the whole length of the post and once it was cut, it came right out.

it sucked. hopefully you won't have the same pain in the ass.


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
wait, what? are you saying you cut down the middle of it to split it like a banana peel? Did you cut all the way to the seat tube of the frame? I guess I don't really understand how cutting it made it come out:confused: I'd like to know though because I've been unable to get it out yet. I drilled a hole through the middle and put a rod through it to try to give me some torque, but it didn't work (it may not have been long enough to give me enough leverage) Anyway, I need to figure a way to get 'er out.

I'm just happy that I HAVE this dilema cause that means I have the bike at least!


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
hopefully this image will help.

don't make the mistake I did and try to cut it into four pieces. just cut ONE slice in the post.

I did this by hand with a single blade and a glove on my hand. JUST the blade. it took HOURS because I sawed on four sides 3/4 the way down the length of the seat post instead of sawing just one slice.

you may be able to find some tool that will do this faster. your seat post may be aluminum which might be easier as well.

I only cut the seat post. not the frame.

plus, my post was WAY inside my frame. making it much more sucky.

does this make more sense?


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
ah I see...I don't think I'll have to resort to that. I don't think the post is in that far because it sticks out about a foot or so...it's aluminum too, it looks like a stock post from a cheapo mtb from like k mart or something. Anyone know off hand what size those bikes run? (all I know is it's bigger than 25.4 that's for sure)


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
Steve a big pipe wrench will turn that baby right outta there.

Turning while pulling up a bit for an "unscrewing" type of action.


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
yeah, to tell you the truth I only gave it a half assed effort last night because I've been sick as a dog the last week so I haven't had much energy. I don't have a big pipe wrench but I'll see what I can come up with this evening.


Feb 16, 2002
Bellingham, WA
That's sweet that you got your ride back! The @sshole probably left a bunch of prints on your bike, so he's screwed. But I would've lost it if I saw some dude who stole my bike. I would find out where the fvcker lives, and do some damage.:nuts: That sh*thead needs a good lesson. A good keying to his car and some fresh dog crap on the door handles should do the trick.:devil:


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
I don't think prints are going to make a difference, it sounds to me as if the cops already know the guy, according to them he's a "downtown regular" We have a lot of early 20's transients in the area that don't really have a 'home' but just stay with different people. Luckily they are very predictable in where they hang out and certain habits so I had a pretty good idea where to find him (that's how I found my bike)

personally I don't care what happens to him and I'm not going to go out of my way to find him. He'll get what he deserves at some point or another

btw, I got that seatpost out;) I drilled a hole through it and used the biggest allen key I had (15mm or so) and used a second seat tube to use as an extension rod on the allen key to give me enough torque to twist it out