
Stoopid Bike Computer Feature Request...


Mar 8, 2003
SF Bay Area, California
You've been warned!

I don't care if it's a tiny icon of a shining, smiling sun, a clock face with the hands pointing straight up, a big 'P' as in PM, or a lunch pail... whatever!

Just a little something on the main screen of my bike computer so I can glance down and know whether to say "good morning" or "good afternoon" when passing someone on the trail.

This simple addition would be 10x more useful than the average speed comparator arrows so many computers feature.

Told you it was stupid! (Please, no watch or clock comments!)


Nov 5, 2001
United States
Why not just a simple hey, hello, hows it goin,...? Or just take a guess if its afternoon or morning...I don't think the other person will care much if you get it wrong.


Mar 8, 2003
SF Bay Area, California
You wanna know where this brainstorm (light mist / drizzle) stemmed from?

I was thumbing through the back of that Bicycling magazine (you know, the one they refuse to quit sending me?!?) and I saw the 1/4 page ad for the idiotic inclinometer which is nothing more than a bent bubble level.

I thought, what a stupid waste of $25, as if someone is really going to stare at a bouncing bubble as they pound up a hill.

So there I was on the grind yesterday, thinking about that silly device and what other stupid devices could be invented and foisted on the average reader of Bicycling. My "Daytime Comparator" I could patent and license. And what a wonderfully useless feature someone could build into their computer that someone might actually use.

So far, my focus group doesn't like the idea. Time to move on to something else.

I guess instead I could just compile a new set of grunts and mutterings for trailside greetings, and sell those in the back of the magazine for $9.99 (+$2.50 s/h) per copy.


Mar 14, 2005
Umm I think a simple.. How are you doing is sufficient. But if you remebr what time you started riding ande how long you have been riding < approximately> then you should have a basic idea of what time it is... But then again that is a lot of thinking

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I think you should substitute the ever popular, ghetto-riffic, and time-of-day-neutral, "Sup?"

If you really want to appear badass, you can add a "yo" on the end of it, as in, "Sup, yo?"


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
næstep said:
I was thumbing through the back of that Bicycling magazine (you know, the one they refuse to quit sending me?!?) and I saw the 1/4 page ad for the idiotic inclinometer which is nothing more than a bent bubble level.

I thought, what a stupid waste of $25, as if someone is really going to stare at a bouncing bubble as they pound up a hill.

Wow, that thing does seem kind of useless.......?

Just strap an altimiter to your wrist :rolleyes:


næstep said:
Clocks are bad. It's like being in Vegas -- do I really want to know what time it is?
Well - my stupid ass neighbor was adding on to his house last night and I went and asked him to wait until today. He said, "what time is it, dude"??? I said, "uhm - 11pm, holmes"... He said, "I wouldn't be out here if I knew it was so late"...

So yes, you REALLY want to know what time it is. :think:


Mar 4, 2004
New York
næstep said:
You've been warned!

I don't care if it's a tiny icon of a shining, smiling sun, a clock face with the hands pointing straight up, a big 'P' as in PM, or a lunch pail... whatever!

Just a little something on the main screen of my bike computer so I can glance down and know whether to say "good morning" or "good afternoon" when passing someone on the trail.

This simple addition would be 10x more useful than the average speed comparator arrows so many computers feature.

Told you it was stupid! (Please, no watch or clock comments!)
Nate, why can't your Speedhubs do this for you?
If it's got planetary gears, it must be able to monitor the motion of the planets, and tehrefore be able tocalcualte morning vs. afternoon via the relative position of the sun to the earth.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
It seems like I climb better when my friends are there to offer "encouragement." Maybe a computer could do the same when I'm riding alone. I would really only need it to yell a couple of things like: "get your fat ass up that hill" "c'mon you p***y" "walking would be faster" etc.


Mar 8, 2003
SF Bay Area, California
BikeGeek said:
Maybe a computer could do the same when I'm riding alone. I would really only need it to yell a couple of things like: "get your fat ass up that hill" "c'mon you p***y" "walking would be faster" etc.
YES! Like the talking refrigerator things that tell you you're a fat-ass.

This one ride a while back, me and wifey were taking a break off the side of the trail. This dude in a full-face helmet on an XC bike comes ripping down the fireroad, and as he approached, he fired off a rude horn that was something between a big rig and a klaxon. Not a proper greeting for most trail users -- more like a surprise shove from behind (imagine using that when sneaking up on a horse).

I'm thinking, same concept, but loud recorded greetings -- "Howw-DEE!" "Mar'nin!" "Go! Go! Go!" "On your left!" "Rider UP!" "Hey... How YOU doin'?"