Now, this is hardly an original idea, but I wondered what the good people at Stormfront thought about Herman Cain. Here is a very brief overview of representative posts:
BamaBelle is pretty straightford. No college educated liberal smart talk here, just plain commune scents:
"I haven't listened to a thing this Negro has said, because, yup, he's a Negro and I wouldn't vote for him anyway.
Yes, he will support minorities, etc and he would not defend white people because he is a Negro. So...
But I am concerned with those points, I worry about the concept of 'our Negro is better than your Negro, look we are not racist'"
A slightly more nuanced view comes from Pahana (with a nod to Ron Paul!):
I don't want to see another black president either, but we can use Herman Cain. It's been pointed out that he is a big Uncle Tom. Quite literally 'Uncle Ruckus' from the racially motivated cartoon 'Boondocks'. If he is a canidate that White America can get behind, then the race card will be null and void.
I know I might get yelled at for this, but he's a conservative white man in a black mans skin. Even if he isn't as true to the cause as Ron Paul, who I fully support.
Ultravox quickly gets rid of that high-brow nonsense and brings us back to reality:
Hell will freeze over before I support or vote for this negro. Maybe he knows math and maybe not. You never know with their lot. They are given opportunities not afforded most whites. Chances are he didn't earn it, but had a hand up and has learned to parrot his lines well like our president. They thought he was smart also.
MVSN is clearly not an Obama supporter:
The whole thing is my ape vs. Your ape. Though I will say that Cain has accomplished a hell of a lot more in his life than Obama.
ReiseReise is concerned about the bigger picture. I've always thought that a strength of the right wing in America is their long-term strategic thinking: Their is a huge population shift in the wind. Soon whites will be a minority, and the muds will have it all.
The Republican party can save us all by not being afraid to acknowledge race. Their so afraid of being considered racist that they try these 'tactics' to gain minority support.
Cut immigration to quarter of a million per year. Deport all illegals. Eliminate hate crimes, and affirmative action. Kill everything that legally makes Blacks, Browns and Yellows more important and 'needy' on paper, than us.
You can continue this by saying... make abortion legal, but then illegal for white women. Segregate schools and religious buildings.
Those were in the politics board. Moving on to the the general news, here's a few highlights:
WidsomHonorStrength sounds like a community organizer. Know who else was one?
If we somehow end up with African vs. African for the presidency, the country will be truly lost; awakening will explode. Regardless, I say it is much better to spread the word even more and get Dr. RP elected.
Separately, for those who say that voting is pointless.. considering the atmosphere of deceit, mind control and rampant ignorance, you are basically right. The way to elect your desired candidate is not through your one vote, but by informing others of the truth and breaking their allegiance to the pro-Israel, liberal-at-core propaganda box. Campaigning to others, whether friends or strangers, is how you multiply your own voting power -- and that is exactly what the media does with their multitude of programming. Use their own tactics against them.
I guarantee you that the PTB would love for only intelligent people to refrain from voting and for the idiots to follow the voices flowing from their TVs and vote accordingly. For the small effort, it's worth a shot to try and get a decently pro-White, pro-American candidate elected vs. being passive and throwing it all away.
PeaceThroughStomfront has his memes wrong, McCain had the tire-swing, not Obama:
That would be another case of no choice, but then that's what we had last time with Juan "Shamnesty" McCainez versus Obonobo, the tire-swinging Kenyan teleprompter reader.
blueearth is pretty sure it's the Jews. Speaking of, ohio and MikeD have both been pretty quiet lately. Coincidence?
Jewish AA hire? The neo cons think wars for israel and the banksters are A-ok...They are drones...The bankers could put "a negro with federal reserve experience in the whitehouse".. Let that soak in for a while.
tl;dr: Stormfront really really really really really supports Ron Paul.
BamaBelle is pretty straightford. No college educated liberal smart talk here, just plain commune scents:
"I haven't listened to a thing this Negro has said, because, yup, he's a Negro and I wouldn't vote for him anyway.
Yes, he will support minorities, etc and he would not defend white people because he is a Negro. So...
But I am concerned with those points, I worry about the concept of 'our Negro is better than your Negro, look we are not racist'"
A slightly more nuanced view comes from Pahana (with a nod to Ron Paul!):
I don't want to see another black president either, but we can use Herman Cain. It's been pointed out that he is a big Uncle Tom. Quite literally 'Uncle Ruckus' from the racially motivated cartoon 'Boondocks'. If he is a canidate that White America can get behind, then the race card will be null and void.
I know I might get yelled at for this, but he's a conservative white man in a black mans skin. Even if he isn't as true to the cause as Ron Paul, who I fully support.
Ultravox quickly gets rid of that high-brow nonsense and brings us back to reality:
Hell will freeze over before I support or vote for this negro. Maybe he knows math and maybe not. You never know with their lot. They are given opportunities not afforded most whites. Chances are he didn't earn it, but had a hand up and has learned to parrot his lines well like our president. They thought he was smart also.
MVSN is clearly not an Obama supporter:
The whole thing is my ape vs. Your ape. Though I will say that Cain has accomplished a hell of a lot more in his life than Obama.
ReiseReise is concerned about the bigger picture. I've always thought that a strength of the right wing in America is their long-term strategic thinking: Their is a huge population shift in the wind. Soon whites will be a minority, and the muds will have it all.
The Republican party can save us all by not being afraid to acknowledge race. Their so afraid of being considered racist that they try these 'tactics' to gain minority support.
Cut immigration to quarter of a million per year. Deport all illegals. Eliminate hate crimes, and affirmative action. Kill everything that legally makes Blacks, Browns and Yellows more important and 'needy' on paper, than us.
You can continue this by saying... make abortion legal, but then illegal for white women. Segregate schools and religious buildings.
Those were in the politics board. Moving on to the the general news, here's a few highlights:
WidsomHonorStrength sounds like a community organizer. Know who else was one?
If we somehow end up with African vs. African for the presidency, the country will be truly lost; awakening will explode. Regardless, I say it is much better to spread the word even more and get Dr. RP elected.
Separately, for those who say that voting is pointless.. considering the atmosphere of deceit, mind control and rampant ignorance, you are basically right. The way to elect your desired candidate is not through your one vote, but by informing others of the truth and breaking their allegiance to the pro-Israel, liberal-at-core propaganda box. Campaigning to others, whether friends or strangers, is how you multiply your own voting power -- and that is exactly what the media does with their multitude of programming. Use their own tactics against them.
I guarantee you that the PTB would love for only intelligent people to refrain from voting and for the idiots to follow the voices flowing from their TVs and vote accordingly. For the small effort, it's worth a shot to try and get a decently pro-White, pro-American candidate elected vs. being passive and throwing it all away.
PeaceThroughStomfront has his memes wrong, McCain had the tire-swing, not Obama:
That would be another case of no choice, but then that's what we had last time with Juan "Shamnesty" McCainez versus Obonobo, the tire-swinging Kenyan teleprompter reader.
blueearth is pretty sure it's the Jews. Speaking of, ohio and MikeD have both been pretty quiet lately. Coincidence?
Jewish AA hire? The neo cons think wars for israel and the banksters are A-ok...They are drones...The bankers could put "a negro with federal reserve experience in the whitehouse".. Let that soak in for a while.
tl;dr: Stormfront really really really really really supports Ron Paul.
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