


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
So I took the 44 lb FLY out today for a XC ride. All my buddys were at work so I decide to go by myself. I tried a new trail that the bike shop told me about; a 10-12 mile XC loop with some nice steep DH.

Let me tell you. The trail was sweet till I ran accross a mother bear and 2 cubs. I stop to do a little tuning on the rear shock. I look up and there are 3 bears coming up the trail, a momma bear and 2 small cubs. I yell at the bears and the cubs run up a tree and mom takes off.

So now I am thinking to myself.... (no more bears...... What is the chance of seeing another bear?........) I ride about another 3 miles and come around a corner and see another bear. This time is the same as the last and the bear runs away.
4 bears in one day!!!!

What is the most bears you have encountered in a single ride.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
thats unbearable.

were they looking for pickanick baskets?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Definitely cool. I've never seen a bear in the wild before, and I probably would have been scared sh!tless. I'm glad you lived to tell this story. From what I've heard, bear maulings aren't too much fun.

The :rolleyes: was in regard to Jm_'s halfway-clever comment.


Oct 4, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Originally posted by Kanter

What is the most bears you have encountered in a single ride.
I came head to head with a momma black bear in Whistler years ago, when I was riding alone. Can't say I really look forward to seeing one again that close, especially not one with cubs! :eek: :dead:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
I've seen more than 4 in one ride but that was at whistler so it doesn't count. You can pet the ones at whistler. The ones in Kalispell are whole nother animal so to speak.

I really did see 4 bears in one run at whistler. A-line to C-apple hits. I almost hit one coming off the big jump on C-apple hits and he was taking a dump in the landing. I sh*t you not.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
I used to run into grizzlies in Alaska all the time when I was working up there. We were the superior tactical force, having guns and helicoptors n stuff, but it was still kinda scary.

I ran into a black bear and cubs while hiking alone in Oregon a couple of years ago. Quite a different situation when you are alone and unarmed. SCARY!

I saw a show on TV a while back about some Forest Service workers that got attacked by a grizzly. The bear bit one womans head and one of her eyeballs popped out. I think that would suck.


Mar 17, 2002
One time on a ride in Joaquin Miller, I saw a bunch of old hardcore porno mags scattered around. Some were all sheredded, some were laying open.

It creeped me out. I don't know why because I love porn. But something about being alone in the woods and seeing a bunch of porno mags scattered about gave me the chills.

Sure, it's not a bear, but hey, maybe a bear was looking at the magazines.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by Damn True
Saw one once in Downieville. Scared the bejeezuz out of me.

Want some real fun though. Try seeing a Mt. Lion.

Probably teh same one that was rifling through my cooler when I came back from a d-ville run.

I was camping at Plum-creek.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Just saw one. Mature blackie right by northstar on my way home. You can tell summer is starting because there were a bunch of people stopping right in the middle of a 60mph highway to take pictures. I got out and yelled at it and threw rocks at it to scare it away. These morons got mad at me and asked what my problem was. I told them that once that bear got used to people gawking around it, I could tell them what their problem was about to be.:rolleyes:

Kanter the most Grizzlies I've seen on one ride was 3, right by Kalispell on the continental divide route outside of Bob Marshall wilderness. I'm used to black bears but I was a little shaky that day. :D Volkswagen sized furballs.....eek.

Were these grizzlies you saw?


Apr 22, 2003
Don't call it a come back
Originally posted by kidwoo
Just saw one. Mature blackie right by northstar on my way home. You can tell summer is starting because there were a bunch of people stopping right in the middle of a 60mph highway to take pictures. I got out and yelled at it and threw rocks at it to scare it away. These morons got mad at me and asked what my problem was. I told them that once that bear got used to people gawking around it, I could tell them what their problem was about to be.:rolleyes:

Seems people have been disneyfied. Waiting to hear the bear talk ?

At least someone has the sense to do what is right. Good job Kidwoo. Too bab none of the senseless needed to be beat more senseless.:devil:

In Yosemite camp ground some guy comes up to me and says " Hey . did you just see that bear in the camp ground ? He was just here. " Now I remember back in the day it was common to start banging pots and pans. I would know right off to get some pans of my own. And the whole camp ground would rally with the pans. Then rangers with guns would come to make sure the bear hit the road. But along with the litter and graffitti a new classless lessknowledgeable camper has taken over.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
The mother and cubs were black bears. The forth bear I saw could have been a grizzly but I am not too sure. It was a lighter brown color but I didnt get a real good look at it because I was crapping my pants. I am pretty sure it was a black bear too. I was riding a loop out at Tally Lake.

I told a few friends about the ride and they had done it a few days earlier AT NIGHT. I have been doing a lot of night riding too but I guess from now on I will take some bear spray.

Have you done a lot of riding in Kalispell?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
i have had an old lady chase me, but never a bear.

that old lady is funny. she lives around my neighborhood. and every time i ride on the sidewalk she either hits me with her cane or tries to. some times she will just stick to yelling.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by Kanter

I told a few friends about the ride and they had done it a few days earlier AT NIGHT. I have been doing a lot of night riding too but I guess from now on I will take some bear spray.

Have you done a lot of riding in Kalispell?
No the only time I was in the area was when some friends and I did the continental divide trip one summer. That was in 2000. We spent a lot of time in Northwestern Montana touring around Glacier Nat Park and everything west of there. It made me want to live there........if it weren't for the winters.

We all had bear spray but even that stuff feels pretty insignificant when you're making eye contact with a one ton carnivore. The first one I saw that day had a shoulder height of about 5 ft. oooh man the hair is standing up on the back of my neck now just remembering that. Be careful up there.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Originally posted by buildyourown
I've seen more than 4 in one ride but that was at whistler so it doesn't count. You can pet the ones at whistler. The ones in Kalispell are whole nother animal so to speak.

I really did see 4 bears in one run at whistler. A-line to C-apple hits. I almost hit one coming off the big jump on C-apple hits and he was taking a dump in the landing. I sh*t you not.
last summer my friend almost landed on a bear also but on dirt merchant, I was behind him about to be in the air and he started yelling and pulling up on the bars. He landed next to the bear and they both went booking down the trail until the bear ducked into the woods. two days later I'm filming Carlins' UFC vid on Schleyer and my buddy goes, dude, duuuude, there's a friggin bear 5' behind you! I slowly turn around and what do you onow theres a huge blackie. We saw that same bear at least once a day for the entire two weeks. It was super cool and mellow. I have also seen numerous bears in NorCal and CO. One time riding the Colorado trail in Durango I saw a yearling and then less than a 1/4 mile later I come flying around a tight corner and almost collide face to ass with a gigantic adult black bear. I slammed on the brakes and the bear jumped and turned around, turns out it was a black cow. what was a cow doing on the trail? I was stoked so I didn't really care but holy crap did I get a good scare from that one. Black bears are supposed to be more dangerous although smaller than Grizzlies but that hasn't really been my experience, but then again I haven't had the pleasure of meeting a grizzly face to face...yet.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by punkassean
Black bears are supposed to be more dangerous although smaller than Grizzlies but that hasn't really been my experience, but then again I haven't had the pleasure of meeting a grizzly face to face...yet.

The only really aggressive black bears I've seen are in Yosemite. They KNOW there's food nearby and rip doors of cars to get to it.

Black bears more dangerous? No way. I've heard many stories of people fighting off black bears with rocks, keys in fist etc.

I've still never heard the grizzly equivalent. It's firepower or nothing. If a grizzly wants you......he gets you.
May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
Saw one obligatory bear at Whistle last season, he ran through all the lower parking lots, kinda confused. It was sad sort of, since it's really their mountain. Not that it's stopping me from going back to Whistler all summer!

Also saw an adult Cougar here one time on Tiger Mt., ironic, huh? The coug was at least 200lbs. and was standing in the middle of the fire road looking at me approach on my XC bike like butter wouldn't melt in it's mouth. I stopped, and though scared, only about fifteen feet away from him/her, I just looked at it for a while, enjoying it's incredible size and how much it really looked like twenty housecats stuffed into one body, it was crazy! I was alone though, so after about ten seconds or more of gawking at each other, I just started talking loudly to it, saying something like "You're really cool, but you gotta GO NOW! GO ON!, SHOO!".

The bugger calmly looks away from me and saunters across the road on into the underbrush. It was sweet. I always plan on getting eaten up there by a Coug one of these years when I get caught up there around dinner time.....


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I saw an adolescent Black Bear on the Buckhorn Fireroad in SB Co. I was flying down the road about to crest a big dip when I see a fat bear ass waddling down the road. I layed on the brakes and came to a stop and yelled for my buddy to stop, the bear booked it off the the side of the hill then.

I drag raced a bobcat on a fireroad once:p He popped up and ran alongside me for 50+ feet going 25mph:D It was so cool, closest I've ever been to one (less than 5 feet:eek: )

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by Captain Crunch
Saw one obligatory bear at Whistle last season, he ran through all the lower parking lots, kinda confused. It was sad sort of, since it's really their mountain. Not that it's stopping me from going back to Whistler all summer!

Also saw an adult Cougar here one time on Tiger Mt., ironic, huh? The coug was at least 200lbs. and was standing in the middle of the fire road looking at me approach on my XC bike like butter wouldn't melt in it's mouth. I stopped, and though scared, only about fifteen feet away from him/her, I just looked at it for a while, enjoying it's incredible size and how much it really looked like twenty housecats stuffed into one body, it was crazy! I was alone though, so after about ten seconds or more of gawking at each other, I just started talking loudly to it, saying something like "You're really cool, but you gotta GO NOW! GO ON!, SHOO!".

The bugger calmly looks away from me and saunters across the road on into the underbrush. It was sweet. I always plan on getting eaten up there by a Coug one of these years when I get caught up there around dinner time.....
Good story.

When I saw mine I was in Soquel Demo Forrest here in the Bay Area.
I stopped at the open area before the single track starts to munch a cliff bar and gaze down at Monterey Bay. Looked to my right across a draw full of deadfall and there she was sitting under a small oak tree just looking at me, looking at her. I reached down and grabbed my bike to put it between the two of us and just stared....scarred $hitless. She yawned, got up and slowly walked off into the woods. I got out of there real fast.

I ride alone there a lot and think about it each time, but I still go.

I see wild boar there about one out of three rides. I think they may actually scare me more.