
stp / two250 / sasquatch


Aug 30, 2006
Now then,

I'm moving close to a bike park in the next few weeks, so I'm after a hardtail for mucking about on during weeknights. I also want to learn to ride smoother and get the feel of the land when I'm riding.

The sasquatch was my original choice as I figure I can hit light freeride lines, jumps and drops with it. Now I know I shouldn't be swayed by reviews off of mtbr, But being the easily influenced person that I am, I am now having second thoughts on the sasquatch.

I also like the look of the stp and i saw a guy there shredding on one.

Although I know these bikes are designed for different disciplines I can't see why the sasquatch can't perform jumps!

Anyway, I have around £1000 to spend on a hardtail. What do you think/opinions/no-no's etc.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
bike park as in skate park? if so get a dedicated park bike with a low top tube and short chainstays. hell even get a cheap complete 20"