
Stray dog with a gimpy leg...?


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
No...not Owen Wilson's part in "Meet the Parents."

My neighbor called to tell me that he thought my dog was hurt and limping around in the field next to my house. I knew it couldn't be him, because he chills in the house while I'm at work, but just to be on the safe side, I rode out to the house during lunch to check the situation out. Turns out, it's a dog that's very similar in build and coloring to mine, but thankfully, not mine.

The downer of it all, is that the little fella has a hurt/broken? rear leg that is obviously giving him much discomfort and stressing him out quite a bit. He's not really agressive at all, just hurt and confused. He looks to be taken care of, but no collar or ID tags. It didn't look like his injuries were life-threatning, so I let him hang out where he was while I scooted back to work to figure out what to do with him next if he's still there when I get home later on. I'm worried that if I call the pound, he'll be put down vs. being treated and adopted, and I certainly don't have the room in my budget to accomodate a huge vet bill to get his leg fixed up......I mean, I've never seen the dog before, but I feel really bad for him with this injury and all........what should I do? The wife says one doggie is enough.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2004
Post up found dog posters and maybe post one of those free found adds in the paper?


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
damn that is a tough one... hopefully by the time you get home someone else will have come by and picked him up...


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Yeah.....I just called the vet and asked them what my options are. She said that my best bet would be to give Animal Control Services a call and let them come by and take the dog and see if he had an ID chip in him. Maybe by then, the owners may come back to claim him there. I hate seeing animals hurt--and I certainly don't want to think that they would put him down, but that's reality and I understand that. Still sucks, though. I'm just about a half an hour from getting off work, so if he's still there when I get back, I'll give Animal Control a call and see what's up. If nobody claims him, I'll have to figure out a way to talk the wife into letting us take care of him or either take him by work and let him be a 3-legged guard dog out on the grounds.

Anybody ever had experience with a similar situation?


Feb 11, 2006
amydalayna said:
have you tried to call any of the local vets to see if they can do anything?
yeah, call around and see if any vets are willing to any pro bono work, or if there is a college or university around that let's their students do free work.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
*holding my chin high in the air and taking my thumb in a slow slashing movement across my throat*

I don't know how badly hurt he is but he might be "chipped", so a call to a vet or the pound is the right thing to do....they can heck for the chip and find the owner and go from there....if not, the little guy is in pain and looking for an exit.


PS- Sorry I read this thread before I went to lunch and had this response ready when I got back....didn't look at what you had put in above. Check for the chip.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
maxyedor said:
You can usual find a "no kill" shelter that will take the dog untill it's real owners or a new owner claims the pooch.

Yup, that would be my suggestion. If you call some of the them they might be able to point you to a no kill shelter if they're not.....BUT not all "no kill" shelters are truly no kill, some are only no kill for what the deem to be "adoptable" pets. Either way though, having him at least have a chance in a shelter is better than the poor thing suffering in pain.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Sounds like one of my dogs except she wasn't well taken care of when she wandered into my work. We have a pretty good vet but it still cost $400 to have her leg set and pinned.