
Streaming w/ Windows Media Player

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
Anyways I while ago I could stream and get good quality video from this one website...now I go and I can get perfect audio but the video comes in only as stills...and every so often it will come in clean. I only have problems with this website. I've upgraded to the newest media player and have shut down all other programs running. yet the video is still choppy. Any ideas?


Turbo Monkey
Choppy stream...
Several reason for this: you have something in the background eating your bandwidth. Spyware is a good bet. Solution: do a ctrl+alt+del and look in processes to see what process is occupying all the CPU cycles. Typically this will be your spyware going off. You can then end that process and run one or three spyware remover.
Another thing is QoS in the network settings. Is was a MS abortion to monitor something and eat up about 20% of your bandwidth. Uninstall that stupid thing and kill the service in msconfig (start/run type msconfig, goto services). While you're in there, kill Indexing service, Messenger, Remote Desktop and Registry.

Edit: quick question, how many little icons are by your clock? There shouldn't be anymore than 6 or 8 at most. If you have like 12, there's way too many things running and it needs to be chopped. This is in the Start/run type msconfig, startup tab.