
Street Dirt jump steel SS ht - which one


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I ride mostly street and some dirt jump with my HT and want to get a new frame. Currently I am looking at Azonic Steelhead new, used 243 03, and One-On Gimp new. I like them as the look like all round good frames and the prices are good.

I will be running it single speed, perfer 26 wheels as thats what I have and I am 6.1 and 155 lbs if that matters. I has to be steel.

Is there something else I should look at?


Jul 7, 2004
Oh man, I spent several weeks in your same position before I snagged a .243, which I am still in the process of building up. Other notables that stood out in my mind are:

Banshee Scratch
Revell 450r
Identiti 666
Transition Trailorpark
Norco 250
Planet X Pitbull, Bommer

There are tons of others too, but the ones I listed above are probably the most accessible here in the states. There's also a guy on this very board that is trying to sell a Planet X Pitbull that you could snag cheap, I think his username is [un], just do a search for "Pitbull". I also have a link to an ad for a new Scratch for a good price, and I may also be willing to sell my .243, which is still as new.... PM me if you want details on any of these.