
Strength in Numbers Highspeed: Semenuk and Morrison at 1000FPS...Insane!!


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009
There have been some insanely impressive whips thrown over the years on Crabapple Hits. It's one of those legendary trails where riders always try to push themselves, sometimes with great results. Have a look at two of the world's best throwing down in super slow motion...

Watch the free live online premiere of Strength in Numbers: May 24th 12:00pm PST - RedBull MTB.

Strength in Numbers is a rally call to connect all mountain bikers, regardless of location or language or discipline. The film captures a true way of life, from the world's best pros to those who are just learning to love the sport. Shot over two years in some of mountain biking's most iconic locations, Anthill's signature style combines compelling stories with core action to create a shared experience that unites all riders. Come join us!

Strength in Numbers