
[+]=] stuck inside friday gfmt [=[+]


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
75* and sunny. day packed with meetings and other such crap. haven't touched the bike in weeks. :panic:

may yours be better than mine
It's worse here. 67F and sunny yesterday, yet trails covered with a few inches of slush as mud. :banghead:

Morning. I have nothing interesting to report. New fork top cap wrench arrived yesterday, looks nice. Gotta top up and bleed the MRP Stage damper this weekend. Sorry to hear about your passport, FullTrucker! :doh:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Early pool swim this morning after taking the last few days off to rest sore ribs. The guy in the next next to me was a competitive swimmer and was flying...it's like I wasn't even moving when he was passing me. It's like I was riding at 16 mph and he was doing 27. I was all like WTF HOW.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
IAB is stuttering again^

moving slow, did a really hard spin session last night. It may be a two cup of coffee kind of morning. new rear cassette for the road bike's Cosmic wheelset should arrive today. I want to ride dirt but I think the trails are still just so much mush from all the rain so getting in my roadie work it is.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Not a whole lot going on here, brought in the bike so I can drop it off on the shop to get some TLC. That's more or less it though.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Lots of bad snow yesterday. Not a lot of snow, just wet, warm snow. Took 1.5 hours to go the 13 miles from work to Haley's school. I ended up driving through residential neighborhoods about 1/3 of the way because of how locked the traffic was. We have to pick her up by 6:30, else they charge $1/min that you are late beyond that. When I called and explained my situation, thankfully they had decided to waive it yesterday (it also helps that most of the parents running late are social friends with the admin left watching the kids).

Plan to ski tomorrow has been pushed, as Wifey "doesn't want to deal with it" if Haley's not in lessons. She's leaving for SF early Sunday, so we'll go then.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
In my actual office today. I need to make an attempt to clean it up, my second desk has become a dumping spot for random (mostly useless) crap.

In other news it is pissing rain here. Good for melting snow, but bad for accumulation of mud. I have an easy rail trail type ride scheduled for tomorrow with a buddy who purchased a bike for first time last fall. We have yet to go on a ride and I'm guessing he'll bail if its raining tomorrow. We'll see...

Morning. I have nothing interesting to report. New fork top cap wrench arrived yesterday, looks nice. Gotta top up and bleed the MRP Stage damper this weekend. Sorry to hear about your passport, FullTrucker! :doh:
Which tool did you buy? I <3 the Lunar Tools one that I have.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Fu fu fu fuck it!

I started taking multi vitamins a couple weeks ago. The gummy kind because candy. And I'll be damned it hasnt made a big difference on several levels. Not as hungry, warts disappearing, and an overall sense of hopefulness and happiness that wasn't there the last few months. Works been depressing and so has the spouse. Not to mention the trails have been under snow for 3 fucking months. Maybe I was suffering from some deficiencies too.

I think there is enough snow melt to hit the trails and bust crust. They're maybe 75% snow free at this point.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
Definitely blowing outa here to ride later. Perfect weather but rain on the menu for tomorrow--may be digging this weekend. We have a ton to do that has not been done due to the total lack of actual winter this year... Not the worst problem to have.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Fu fu fu fuck it!

I started taking multi vitamins a couple weeks ago. The gummy kind because candy. And I'll be damned it hasnt made a big difference on several levels. Not as hungry, warts disappearing, and an overall sense of hopefulness and happiness that wasn't there the last few months. Works been depressing and so has the spouse. Not to mention the trails have been under snow for 3 fucking months. Maybe I was suffering from some deficiencies too.

I think there is enough snow melt to hit the trails and bust crust. They're maybe 75% snow free at this point.
Sounds like your vitamins are spiked with some extra goodies. Care to share the brand with us? :D
Online 4x4 place sent 1 of 4 boxes of my lift kit, install on hold until next week. JESUS. #fratboyproblems.
In my actual office today. I need to make an attempt to clean it up, my second desk has become a dumping spot for random (mostly useless) crap.

In other news it is pissing rain here. Good for melting snow, but bad for accumulation of mud. I have an easy rail trail type ride scheduled for tomorrow with a buddy who purchased a bike for first time last fall. We have yet to go on a ride and I'm guessing he'll bail if its raining tomorrow. We'll see...

Which tool did you buy? I <3 the Lunar Tools one that I have.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Can't fatbike (too soft), can't mountain bike (too much snow), can't (xc) ski (too soft, I hate waxing for warm snow). Maybe I'll try and DH ski in spring-like conditions this weekend. Maybe.

Does anyone remember the British TV-show "The Day the Universe Changed" by James Burke? I've been looking for it on-line and can't find it... It might be too soon to watch it with the kids, but I'd like to watch it with them some day. I thought it was awesome, and no one seems to have done anything similar since (well, except for James Burke again, with Connections, and Connections 2, which I'd also like to have...)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I had to drive to Lakewood last night for a rehearsal. Only took about 45 minutes thanks to Google Maps-provided rerouting from the obvious route. The roads were icy, sure, but people are also idiots driving spinning their bald all seasons.

We only got about a quarter inch of snow-ice. Not even worth shoveling so I just sprinkled some salt on the front walk so that my wife's students + parents don't fall on their asses later this morning and proceed to sue me.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

A solid 40 degrees cooler than it was this time yesterday. Pretty wet and ugly out so I may spend the day inside. I was going to bitch about life, but after reading about @fulltrucker, I don't feel so bad.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Early pool swim this morning after taking the last few days off to rest sore ribs. The guy in the next next to me was a competitive swimmer and was flying...it's like I wasn't even moving when he was passing me. It's like I was riding at 16 mph and he was doing 27. I was all like WTF HOW.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

FTS Friday is finally here, yay! Took the wife to a girl party last night and she wanted Abbey to meet her friends dog (also a young rescue) when we came to pick her up. Was a little nervous as the dog hasn't been around other dogs yet and wasn't sure how it would go down. They seemed to be getting along, so out back they went. Abbey was just a little strong for Jake, but they played and didn't clash.

What impressed me the most was 3 different times I called her, Abbey stopped playing and came right over. Every damn time, everyone was saying how well she behaved. Jake did try to get a little something before we left, I think the kids in the house will have something funny to take about at school today. :rofl:

"Look! Jake is trying to dance with Abbey!" Yes, he's trying to dance with her.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Not sure where his post went... This happened for our honeymoon to Tahiti. $250 later through an expediter, I had a passport.
it was from the other GMT, i figured we'd continue the conversation here for maximum shaming.

seriously though, that is a major bummer.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
this is some serious amateur hour shit right here.
Yes, yes it is.

Not sure where his post went... This happened for our honeymoon to Tahiti. $250 later through an expediter, I had a passport.
Knowing you have also pulled some similar shit is not helping me to feel like less of a dumbass. :twitch:

Seriously though, expediter wouldn't have helped. Even overnight would have put me in NZ two days after the start of the Enduro.

it was from the other GMT, i figured we'd continue the conversation here for maximum shaming.

seriously though, that is a major bummer.
Thanks for that. For both things really, moving the quote to here AND for the bummer sentiment. Feeling dumb as shit right now, but happy I was able to get a reasonably priced return flight to DEN at the last minute. I'll be out some dough for sure, but hoping the trip insurance I bought takes care of some of it. Renewing passport today, not gonna miss the Baja 1000 in November because of stupidity.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Yes, yes it is.

Knowing you have also pulled some similar shit is not helping me to feel like less of a dumbass. :twitch:

Seriously though, expediter wouldn't have helped. Even overnight would have put me in NZ two days after the start of the Enduro.

Thanks for that. For both things really, moving the quote to here AND for the bummer sentiment. Feeling dumb as shit right now, but happy I was able to get a reasonably priced return flight to DEN at the last minute. I'll be out some dough for sure, but hoping the trip insurance I bought takes care of some of it. Renewing passport today, not gonna miss the Baja 1000 in November because of stupidity.
again allow me to reiterate my disappointment. i needed to live vicariously through your adventure.

also, i dont think this is a mistake you'll make again.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
went to storage building....dug out soot covered roof box....put on car...went to car wash and spent 15.00 scrubbing car and box...will spend sat/sun moving shit from one storage building to a larger one to accomodate the dart while the vw pickup comes home from paint and is put back together in the home garage...