
Stuck to back of coworkers car...


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
"Thats for not stopping wqhen you ran over my cat BITC}{. Hit and run is a serious crime... watch channel 2 news." It was obviously in a girls handwriting. I wonder if she knows whose cas she laid tread to?

I just delivered it to her myself :)
Waiting for her to be like "OMG!!! what is this".

dh girlie

golgiaparatus said:
Damn, she swears she didnt hit a cat, was crying and shizz... :(

well now it sucks on all kindsa levels...someones kitty is dead...they think she did it and will now exact revenge, or she did hit the kitty and doesn't know...I feel for everyone involved...especially the dead kitty...I will give Zakk an extra hug and kiss when I get home in memory of that poor, struck down kitty :(


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
Thank you for the "Cruelest Practical Joke Ever" idea. :devil:

Happen to watch Ch2 news to see if it was real? Wouldn't there be fuzz n blood n stuff somewhere? A flea collar in the grill maybe?

[I have two cats of my own that I would be devistated if they were smooshed. But that doesn't erase my sick sense of humor]


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
:( sorry for the kitty....and the girl! I had a roomie once who thought she'd killed my cat...a black stray had crawled into her engine at night to keep warm - and the next day she drove to work. All they found was black hair everywhere and I got this horrible panicked call at 8am at the office.

Oh ya, btw, Gravey is staying with me...I talked to some shelters and all were so eager to take her and stuff...but the thought of actually doing that just killed me...I was ready to start bawling at the idea of losing my baby girl...