
Stupid injuries.


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
Allright, so I was at a teenage drinking party last night and ended up babysitting , but thats a whole 'nother story.
Anyway, I was walking in this girl's yard bare foot. It was night, so I couldn't really see that great, and I stepped on a stick. It hurt. I picked my foot up and the stick was stuck inside my foot. I pulled it out, and limped my way back to the house. So, I have this little hole in my foot. It's not bleeding very much, and I'm told that's a bad thing. This morning I was supposed to go into my job at the machine shop (I'm usually just a mon-tue-wed person) to help move some equipment. Obviously that ain't happening.
I wend to the doctors instead and he said no work for at least a couple days. Got some x rays looking for pieces of stick in my foot.
Got a bottle of antibiotics (well, I'm going to go pick it up shortly)
Got a shot in my ass.

All this because I stepped on a goddamn stick! Its so stupid. I mean, what a dumb thing to happen and I'm pretty much out for at least a couple days. My foot's so swollen I can't get a shoe or anything on it and it's so tender that even the slightest pressure hurts a ton.

I mean, if it went all the way through my foot at least it would have been a little more bad ass.
Whatever, looks like I'll be surfing the monkey for the next 48 hours.