
Sugar 7/16 pics


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
we all had a great time at sugar on sat. it rained off and on but was still plenty rideable. due to the usual rainy weather there i am officially voting for a name change from Sugar Mountain to Pudding Mountain. I don't think i've been that dirty since wolf '03 :D

anyhoo...i got a FEW pics that are from the video. nothing spectacular just cool dh shots. i never made it to the very top due to the slickness of the trail but some others went up and said it was just plain skectchy.

gorrilla sighting

rob pulling a long manual down the finish line slope

coming over the last kicker before the slope (this thing needs some work before the race....maybe jack it up a bit and make it a big table or something?)

MP through the top part of lizards lane

rob in the same section

yours truly getting through a nasty puddle at the beginning of lizards lane

me again

....so how was fontana? :D

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
stubby said:
It Sucked
Worst race I have been to in years.
It was really cool if you happen to like
"Getting in one practice run the day of the race, because they were using one U-haul and no other way to get to the top."
Sitting on your azz all day because they are using stop watches with
3 minute intervals. :help:
And last but not least, sprinting your balls off on a flat fireroad."
If you enjoy the above items, you missed a helluva time. ;)

Sweet Pics Manimal.
How were those off cambered roots over that crest at the bottom of Lizard's Lane!? :eek:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Jeremy R said:
Worst race I have been to in years......

Sweet Pics Manimal.
How were those off cambered roots over that crest at the bottom of Lizard's Lane!? :eek:

wow...from the after race reports i'm really glad i didn't waste all that time/money on that one. sugar was great!

dude...i'm glad to know that even the semi-pro riders hate that off-camber root section.
it's like...rocks...rocks..rocks....ooohh, nice little smooth section.....zip!....wait..where'd my bike go?....why am i laying face down in the dirt?.

those things are nasty, someone has made a little go around to the right but you have to cut back up immediately after the roots to make the next turn.
this was the first time ever at sugar that i didn't eat it on those roots, as a matter of fact, i only had one real spill and it was down a soft embankement.

the very top section is pretty worn out but i'm not sure how much of it will be used once the new course is up and running..???? the section right at the start where you drop into the woods and make the right turn on the rocks. now it's pretty much just a right turn over some roots since it's all worn out...a pedal smacker for sure.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
manimal you got it lucky man. i wish there was only one puddle at fontana. that whole damn course was a puddle. and me forgetting my damn goggles at the car didnt help either.ohh well ill just have to wait for the sugar race. thanks for the pics. hope to see you fools there. :thumb:


May 23, 2005
hickory, nc
yea....i was there on saturday on that specialized P2 but not in your group....i passed you though taking pics...that step-up in the third picked sucked cause you lost so much speed going up even though you were already going 45 mph.....oh well it was a great day and the rain made it a little more interesting...but lizard's lane kicked my ass on my hardtail cause of just being so slick...who cares it was an awesome day.....peace


Jun 26, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Yea, after that report I am glad I decided against Fonatana.

nice pics Sugar is always fun. where is the new section going to be? I have heard 'bout people working on it but havnt seen it. Is it going to go around a part of the existing course?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
sd your going to have to talk to bizutch or jeremy r about the new section they will be able to give you more details of location and what the deal is with it. according to them its up and ready to go. although there is some pretty narcore **** on it. just talk to them about it or some other monkeys know a few things but there the main guys. so peace out and again thnks for the pics manimal.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
bizutch said:
I think Butcher's Block....
Butcher's block is to gnar sounding. How about gumdrop falls, marshmellow stairway, or fluffer nutter. You know something horribly misleading. :thumb:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
how about calling it "the farley drop", or "farley falls". as in chris farley in tommy boy and his coin phrase "son of a....!!!!" naming something after an actor is pretty ambiguous as to the tenacity of the drop :D


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
bizutch said:
I'm gonna name it 'Axe Wound"// :D

ummm...ok. story behind that one?

i was hoping for something like "bob" or "billy" or maybe "pat". something that personifies it ambiguously so you don't know what to expect.

"man...i hit bob the other day and it wooped my arse!"

"man, bob sure was slick yesterday, i almost ate it!"

-even better-

"holy crap billy was wet yesterday, i went down so hard it nearly ate my crank" :D :D :devil: :D


Aug 7, 2004
Rather than deciding a name you need to figure out why someone cut down trees purposely to block the trail. Two trees were cut cleanly down at the beginning of the trail and another tree was cut down after the uphill right hander.

*Oh and on a lighter note, the kicker at the bottom of the trail is built back up.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 5, 2005
the kicker needs to be flattend a bit, even if you haul you just go straight up and land, kind of like a quarterpipe launch or hitting a brick wall. The course is fantastic though. I just need to know when to shift like after the river crossings and on a few of the uphills. I love that place.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
CharlieM said:
Rather than deciding a name you need to figure out why someone cut down trees purposely to block the trail. Two trees were cut cleanly down at the beginning of the trail and another tree was cut down after the uphill right hander.

*Oh and on a lighter note, the kicker at the bottom of the trail is built back up.

We could call it the "closed" trail.
Or the "why are big riding spots all over the country getting tons of riders every week, but you guys have had the same one trail for 10 years now,
and will not make a few changes to your resort to pull in the riders yet you now charge $22 to ride your lift" trail.
I like that one myself.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
CharlieM said:
Rather than deciding a name you need to figure out why someone cut down trees purposely to block the trail. Two trees were cut cleanly down at the beginning of the trail and another tree was cut down after the uphill right hander.

*Oh and on a lighter note, the kicker at the bottom of the trail is built back up.
better yet...why doesn't someone email events@skisugar.com and ask them why they blocked off a trail that people have been riding for 4 weeks?

And please do it in a nice, respectful way. No confrontational 14 year old..."You're a douche" crap....just straight up ask them why they think it's more dangerous than allowing several hundred skiers with no training or ability level go straight off of Tom Terrific if they so choose...all day, every day, all winter long...with no brakes!