
sunday gfmt....


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
nothing but nothing....

meanwhile on going to the sun road



Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Today was the culmination of part one of a stupid little project I’ve been working on. My bike is basically black, black and black, but it has various bolts, stickers and so on that are not absolutely completely murdered out. As a step towards perfection I have been slowly ordering bags of all the various sizes and styles of bolts I need to get nearly everything completely blacked out. (Except for choice red details, because red.)

Today, derailleur, disc and chain ring bolts excluded, I installed black bolts all across my bike. I also cut them all to perfect length and eliminated Torx heads just because simplicity. I actually like Torx as a standard but hex is fine and now for me ubiquitous.

Anyway, I am quite happy about all this. It isn’t a huge visual change immediately but it is way classier overall IMO.

I am strongly considering removing all decals now. Or at least most of them.
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Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Today was the culmination of part one of a stupid little project I’ve been working on. My bike is basically black, black and black, but it has various bolts, stickers and so on that are not absolutely completely murdered out. As a step towards perfection I have been slowly ordering bags of all the various sizes and styles of bolts I need to get nearly everything completely blacked out. (Except for choice red details, because red.)

Today, derailleur, disc and chain ring bolts excluded, I installed black bolts all across my bike. I also cut them all to perfect length and eliminated Torx heads just because simplicity. I actually like Torx as a standard but hex is fine and now for me ubiquitous.

Anyway, I am quite happy about all this. It isn’t a huge visual change immediately but it is way classier overall IMO.

I am strongly considering removing all decals now. Or at least most of them.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
New Dog had to poop at 2:45 AM, then was whining from 4:00 to 5:00, at which point I fed her then went for a run. I'm about to head out for a road ride, and there will certainly be a nap in my afternoon plans.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Also I ran my half marathon in 1:32:15 yesterday, which was good enough for a 12th place finish and won my age group. It was a very hilly course. I was hurting just four miles into the thing, and heat and humidity did not help. That was about five minutes off my personal best, which is about right for the course and heat.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Awake. Wife snoring softly across the bed. Off to mountains in an hour.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Haven't ridden since yesterday. Need to get out there this morning before the wind builds after midday.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Made a "chair" in my bed and slept sitting upright last night. Feeling a lot better this am. Getting out of bed was a lot easier and I didn't almost pass out today. Managed to get down stairs and am currently eating breakfast and drinking coffee. Will be working on MIL's Financial Plan later today when she comes over to help me with Hannah. I need to track down the kid next door to mow the lawn and clean up the dog poop while I'm down.

Got my bike stuff out of the car yesterday afternoon and my sunglasses and helmet are toast. Thankfully Oakley has a prescription warranty that broken frames or scratched lenses will get replaced free of cost. I'm going to see about getting MIL to drive me (and Hannah) down to the mall this afternoon to get them replaced. I'll probably end up doing crash replacement for my helmet, unless I can find another Smith helmet for cheaper. There is a clear pedal impact in the back, so +1 for helmets.

Spent the first half of yesterday doing emails to reschedule meetings for Monday and Tuesday. I'l be "working", but not doing anything external. I have plenty of internal and catch-up work to be done, so I will take advantage of the time to do that stuff, but I should not be working with people or doing investment related work while I'm on painkillers. I say that while I'm working on MIL's Financial Plan, but we use their portfolio (for the most part), this is just updating information because she's gotten a new mtge, closed some bank accts, etc.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Too much beer yesterday. Ugh. And people are coming to visit today. Double ugh.

Had a mouse in the house last night. Didn't really sleep from 1-5am - a nap would be splendid right now.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Woke up naturally at 624 and hopped out of bed to grab 22mi of empty roads. Quieter than I’ve ever experienced... might have to get up early again.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
TMI: You know what hurts more than is fair? Taking an opioid shit with broken ribs. Sweet fucking fucks.

Normally with Keto diet you have to be super careful with MCT oil to keep from getting the shits. Now? How much is enough to make the ribs not hurt?


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Riding bike trails with wife in NH, first trip over the state line in perhaps 18 months? Pollen is beyond brutal today, now awesome beer from a local nano brewery and waiting for loaded nachos.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
weekend to do list:

  • fix laundy machine once parts delivered
  • fix spigot in front of house (need parts from Lowes)
  • add compost to garden
  • put bird net up on garden
  • finish garden gate
  • install garden irrigation system
  • install hitch on outback
gonna be busy! need to still make time for a bike ride. i foresee lots of espresso this weekend

This was quite the weekend list, but I accomplished all of it, with the exception of the second spigot leak I discovered. And didn't have time for a bike ride, but I'll make up for it next weekend.

Currently sitting in the shade in the backyard enjoying Bissell bros substance ale. Gotta grab a shower then grill steaks.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
The Oakley warranty is for lenses, not frames (duh). And Haley lost an arm to the glasses when she was told to put them in the car, so $175 later, new frames. We're going up to the park in a bit to see if we can find it, because if we can, we get a return.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Foot/toe still broken, but pain is less.
new office chair arrived. Yes, after all my chair research, I’ve now got a 2nd office chair. This one is ///nice.
Worked a little. Music a little. Laundry a little.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
PSA: for all you permethrin users re: ticks, wear gloves when 'handling' that shit.

[Cue old timer stories about playing with mercury...]

It's all gobbledygook to me but if I understand it, gloveless application of various pesticides increased chances of Parkinson's 4-fold...

neither pesticide was associated with Parkinson’s disease among protective glove users, while both pesticides were associated with Parkinson’s disease among non-users … permethrin OR [Odds ratio] 4.3...




Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
PSA: for all you permethrin users re: ticks, wear gloves when 'handling' that shit.

[Cue old timer stories about playing with mercury...]

It's all gobbledygook to me but if I understand it, gloveless application of various pesticides increased chances of Parkinson's 4-fold...

neither pesticide was associated with Parkinson’s disease among protective glove users, while both pesticides were associated with Parkinson’s disease among non-users … permethrin OR [Odds ratio] 4.3...

View attachment 160531

View attachment 160532
Yup fuck that shit


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
great day in the hills with the 11yo for his first mtns ride at wilson creek. first we hit a classic flowy trail with lots of rollers to launch off, then one with a bit of steep and a bit of exposure and a bit of tech, then a 3.5 mile gravel climb, then one last trail with more steep, a bit of chunk and tech, and some fast sketchy loose stuff. i honestly didn't have to go that slow behind him and he hit a few sketchy exposed sections blind that can give experienced riders pause. watched him make a few good saves, including a potential otb at speed. for locals, trails were 21/severed armpit/woodruff
he had a creek (root) beer to cap it off. we shuttled the first of the two climbs; still picked up 1500' over 12 miles. once he builds up a bit of climbing stamina (and maybe snags a full suspension bike) he'll be good to go on the tougher stuff out there.
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Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
My friend Jamie was following to closely behind me. I flubbed a turn and he smashed into me. Its to early in the season to be that asshole. His Lakers lost game 1.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
The big toe is still mending. I clocked it on a rock a few weeks back. No doctors because what the hell are they going to do for my toe besides take my money?

We moved the chickens into their new coop/run and gave away one of the roosters yesterday. We used a bedsheet to catch the chickens and it went flawlessly.

The run is 8x16 and the only purchased items were some screws and the barrel lock.
