
***Sunday GMT***

Ice ride on Lake Champlain yesterday, Addison to Port Henry. Wanted to go under the bridge, but was blocked by what I can only describe as a subduction zone - ice from the south pushing under northern sheet, six to eight inches of water over uncertain ice on the southern side. Returned to Potash bay, tried a sally due west, came upon open water about a quarter mile out. Hint: Watch the birds carefully, kiddies!


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
...aaand the snow totals are going up, as do visits to news and weather sites. S&S trip will be a challenge, indeed.

Now it is time for some sloppy riding.


Sep 8, 2009

Relaxing on the couch with the fam. Looks fairly cold outside, I think I'll stay inside where it's warm. Probably watch the Pro Bowl later today and eat lots of fatty food.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. My daughter has had two days in a row of giant poops into her tiny potty. I can't figure out how she can produce such a huge poop from her little baby belly, but am thankful nonetheless that they weren't deposited into her underwear.


Aug 29, 2005
shimzbury, ct
sipping my coffee browsing the weather sites

looks like a fat ass storm... the european model says it might stall over us and just dump snow

south western CT checking in.... eastern CT will get hit harder

.................still waiting on my f*cking CRC package

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
one of those effing mornings. Yhe one time I don't have a lid on the coffee cup I knock the damn thing over in the camper. on the plus side it missed the open laptop, on the minus it put 16 oz of hot coffee onto the dinette seat cushions. Using the furnace vent to dry it out after sacrificing a bath towel to the blot up the coffee job. I can hear the wife bitching me out when I get home if there are visible stains. lets hear it for dark brown seat cushions hiding most of it.

fogs too thick to launch the kayak. guess I should make more coffee:blink:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
It turned out to be beautiful out. 60 degrees? Tons of kids, dogs, and parents at the local park.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
Fat bike was rode again 10 miles through the snow. Resistance from low inflation and the snow pack was easy, the groomed cross country trails were spectacular as Larry tires won't slide under balanced load. Off the snowshoe trails it was okay until the xc skier ruined the snowshoe trails. I advise whatever mistake I made buying Trek's Farley not be made by yourself instead find the bike with the space of Big Fat Larry and friends. In climates of snow there is not reason for limitations of 4" tires that's skinnier then necessary.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Some of the most fun I have had in my life are drunken escapades during snowstorms while living in Allston Mass. Missions to the packie on washington street during a blizzard. Or Rileys for roast beast. Rileys and the El Phoenix would always be open regardless of the weather.