
***Sunday GMT***


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Heading up to Kenosha pass today to do some hiking. Day two hiking commence!

Perspective: Got a message from my Nepali friend yesterday saying everything is okay with him and his family since the earthquake. His home however was destroyed and he and his family have been staying on the ground the past two months.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Rode a new-to-me trail yesterday that's sorta close to my house... Mule Deer in Golden Gate Canyon SP. I've been riding a different trail up there called Mountain Lion that is BADASS but hadn't explored the other side of the park until yesterday. There are some REALLY good sections on Mule Deer, and the next mission will probably be to connect Mule Deer and Mountain Lion for a pretty big day. The fall colors are starting to go off up there as well... I got no pictures of the trees, but we did get this one of my elbow:

The sad news is, I think my freehub broked. Well, there's definitely something wrong with it, as in I can turn the cranks forward and it just slips and slips and slips. But it still ratchets, which is weird. I'm off to drive the race car for a few hours, gonna investigate the freehub later today.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
last day of the Dressage Championships. Ruth won the Five Year old Futurity, came in 3rd in the regional first level championships. Today she rides the second and final test of the California Dressage Championship for first level and has a good podium shot. in other news her mom is driving me up a wall. maybe we can leave her behind when we head home tonight.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I got all up in some Pisgah today.

Took Clawhammer all the way to Black Mountain and to the bottom. Seriously, that trail ain't no joke. Took about 1:20 including a lunch break, to get to the trailhead. Then it was mostly hiking up some ridiculousness for another hour or longer. The trail is densely wooded with only a few views, which were spectacular.

Once the trail finally started going downhill, I was treated to some DH race track gnar. Walked a few sections, but mainly because I was solo. Imagine several wide Shute like ruts with rocks and water bars. Gnar, gnar, schred a gnar.

The last section had been redone and converted to a flow trail. Usually don't care for the flow shit in Pisgah, but it was actually a welcomed break from the previous ass whupin ruts.

With stops, it took just under four hours. Awesome time in the woods.

Only bummer is when I got back to the car, one of my tires was flat. Pain in the ass, but at least it wasn't pouring down the rain and both hands worked. Didn't dampen a thing.

Now where to ride tomorrow ?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
hung out with friend i had not seen in 25 years for the last three days...has not changed a bit...met up with his older brother....the same as i remember him from highschool...

drove along the coast on 101...northern part...scratch that off bucket list...monday and tuesday...mtn top sleeping...


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
@AngryMetalsmith : so many options....you could go north a little bit and hit pilot. that's always great.

the reworked bottom of black is less fun than the original; would be better if they didn't make it so if you got off line in the air you landed in a freakin' brush pit.

my buds did mullinax/squirrel out and back yesterday. said it was good fun.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
and northern california on the coast....i could get used to 70's and low 40's/50's year fucking round.....


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Yeah, Laural to Pilot is on the table. Definitely want to do a more pedaly ride. BM, for as long as it is, has very little pedaling. It's either hiking up a root ball or plummeting down a gnar shute.

Riding in Turkey Pen is what convinced me to abandon the whole mileage thing as rating a ride. Rode for 3.5 hours and only went 8 miles. Now, I go by time in the woods. I have no clue how many miles I rode today.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Helping Scouts sell popcorn in front of Walmart...and a Ferrari just pulled in... :think:
Are we talking 308 here or LaFerrari? "Ferrari" spans the gamut these days.

I made it back from Vail. Traffic headed east on I-70 on a Sunday afternoon predictably sucked. Do not like. I took the frontage road for a good portion headed down into Idaho Springs. Any pro tips from the locals on how to avoid the suckage?

Tomorrow is my pre-drywall walkthrough for the new house. Time to point out shit they have screwed up.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Are we talking 308 here or LaFerrari? "Ferrari" spans the gamut these days.
Eff if I know. Ferrari at Walmart. That's all I know. :rofl:

I made it back from Vail. Traffic headed east on I-70 on a Sunday afternoon predictably sucked. Do not like. I took the frontage road for a good portion headed down into Idaho Springs. Any pro tips from the locals on how to avoid the suckage?
Yup - use Google maps and avoid the $hitshow by staying in the high country until traffic dissipates.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Eff if I know. Ferrari at Walmart. That's all I know. :rofl:

Yup - use Google maps and avoid the $hitshow by staying in the high country until traffic dissipates.
Do you just take the frontage road or do you venture way up in the hills to avoid I-70?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Do you just take the frontage road or do you venture way up in the hills to avoid I-70?
During the winter if it is a real $hitshow I've gone over Hwy 9 to Fairplay and back on 285. That is predictably 3 hrs... and sometimes that is preferable to rolling the dice on 70. But usually we just wait until 7-8-9'oclock-ish when things clear up.

There is a science to the frontage road, too. You gotta make sure to avoid some place on it where traffic can end up worse than on the hwy itself.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Even in the few times I've been mired in the traffic I've noticed that: sometimes the frontage road has uncontrolled intersections where the traffic on it is backed up. Stupid mountains get in the way of alternate routes, eh? :D (I guess I could take some dirt road pass north but that wouldn't save time and may well kill another tire.)


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
tonight, we make art.

new art project is rolling along. it's unlike anything i've done before. electronic drone. no real beat or hook, though "songs" have tempo and key. i'm doing most of the writing, and it still, somehow, seems to be working. inspiration is weird.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Heh. Now that would be excessive. Gotta draw the line somewhere.