
~~~Sunday Go-To-Meeting GMT~~~

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

Today is:
Hat Day
Humanitarian Day
Birthday - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday (actual)

It looks like I'm going home for good either Monday or Tuesday. I am happy, yet sad. I will,at last, be able to remodel my kitchen that I've been promising BigT since this project began, but I will now have to work from the regular office, and actually do work, occupying all my time with actual productive, and billable, work.

Good football games yesterday, hopefully, today's games will be as good.

Be safe out there.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Holy nut is it cold outside. 6 degrees during my drive into WORK this morning. I've got a 10 mile run waiting for me as soon as I decide to ditch work this morning.


Sep 8, 2009
Morning monkeys. Had a little too much fun yesterday at the beer event. My head hurts.

Although I did get to try chocolate covered bacon... it was amazing! :D


free wieners
WTF...last night was the second time I punched a guy clean out on the floor for being a Dbag poser.

last week I was at outback steak house and some mouth breather tried telling me he was a special forces sniper but didnt know what group he belonged to. one hit, he was on the ground and the bartender shook my hand.

last night I was at fry's electronics picking up flash cards when some retard in the camera isle was wearing a gob of fake patches and ribbons on his jacket and was telling the employee he was a delta force colonel that is training afghans to be airborne rangers. I told him he was full of crap. he followed me to my truck and tried being tough guy, I asked him a couple questions that any ranger would know, failed miserably and he snore on the ground at the bike racks.

I seem to attract the crazies all the time. what the hell is the deal.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
WTF...last night was the second time I punched a guy clean out on the floor for being a Dbag poser.

last week I was at outback steak house and some mouth breather tried telling me he was a special forces sniper but didnt know what group he belonged to. one hit, he was on the ground and the bartender shook my hand.

last night I was at fry's electronics picking up flash cards when some retard in the camera isle was wearing a gob of fake patches and ribbons on his jacket and was telling the employee he was a delta force colonel that is training afghans to be airborne rangers. I told him he was full of crap. he followed me to my truck and tried being tough guy, I asked him a couple questions that any ranger would know, failed miserably and he snore on the ground at the bike racks.

I seem to be attracted to the crazies all the time. what the hell is the deal.
fixed. :busted:


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
In each of these scenarios, the most significant common factor is you. I hope the "need" for violence was more present than the impression I get from each synopsis.

I cooked my own scramble with veggies and teriyaki chicken. I love the smell of mushrooms and olive oil in the pan. Truly a good morning.


free wieners
In each of these scenarios, the most significant common factor is you. I hope the "need" for violence was more present than the impression I get from each synopsis.
I cant stand liars but even more so the ones that are flagrantly stealing valor. I have a very long fuse but the last inch burn very fast. I gave these two posers a chance to explain themselves and they only dug deeper. neither one of them could produce any proof (id card or other form) of ever being in the military at all and were receiving free drinks and other forms of gratitude for their lies. you weren't there and obviously you don't understand the concept so shut your fuvcking mouth!
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Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I cant stand liars but even more so the ones that are flagrantly stealing valor. I have a very long fuse but the last inch burn very fast. I gave these two posers a chance to explain themselves and they only dug deeper. neither one of them could produce any proof (id card or other form) of ever being in the military at all and were receiving free drinks and other forms of gratitude for their lies. you weren't there and obviously you don't understand the concept so shut your fuvcking mouth!
I understand the concept of stealing valor and how wrong it is. I'm just saying that my belief structure is such that I don't see how the "need" to punch someone is there based on what you wrote. I hope it was justified.


free wieners
I understand the concept of stealing valor and how wrong it is. I'm just saying that my belief structure is such that I don't see how the "need" to punch someone is there based on what you wrote. I hope it was justified.
it was justified and well deserved, I was applauded in outback and the cop at fry's told me he would have done the same. I seriously doubt any one of those two will ever think about talking tall tales again. my world is very different than yours, keep your belief structure to yourself.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
On the concept of stealing valor... so what? Is valor a finite resource? Does false valor endanger anyone?

Those 2 dBags have to be themselves for the rest of thier lives and you get to be you... until you stoop to their level in defense of an elusive ideal. In this case neither action nor reaction is an act of valor.
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Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Assualt is assault... your world is messed up right now, go ride your bike!!!

it was justified and well deserved, I was applauded in outback and the cop at fry's told me he would have done the same. I seriously doubt any one of those two will ever think about talking tall tales again. my world is very different than yours, keep your belief structure to yourself.


free wieners
On the concept of stealing valor... so what? Is valor a finite resource? Does false valor endanger anyone?

Those 2 dBags have to be themselves for the rest of thier lives and you get to be you... until you stoop to their level in defense of an elusive ideal. In this case neither action nor reaction is an act of valor.
you sir are poorly informed, the stolen valor act of 2011 now makes it a criminal offense and possible a felony depending on "the lies that be had." This has been upgraded from the previous version from 2005. A violation of the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 is a federal misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in prison and a $150,000 fine. I decided not to press charges on these two idiots because they made it a point to me in front of the officers that they wouldn't do it again. otherwise they would have been in handcuffs for not only public disturbance but also charged under the stolen valor act. I was not the one who started either fight, I merely ended both of them and decided not to press charges.

do your homework before you start judging me and my actions.
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Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
do your homework before you start judging me and my actions.
If you are entitled to pass judgement on alledged acts of stolen valor, why shouldn't I be entitled to pass judgement on alledged acts of assault?

Anyhow, I read the entire Stolen Valor Act of 2005 and its subsequent challenges and agree with this statement:

The Act was likely passed to address the issue of persons claiming to have been awarded military awards for which they were not entitled, and exploiting their deception for personal gain.

I'll see if I can find anything in the 2011 version that authorizes on the spot vigilante justice.

EDIT: I read the 2011 version and it does not support your actions. Written into the law is a de minimis clause. De minimis is something so small or minimal in difference that it does not matter or the law does not take it into consideration.

Written into the law, in order to make it more constitutionally viable: "it is a defense to a prosection under this section if the thing of value is diminimis", this is EXACT language.

Boastfulness and false statements must have a financial or civil consequence in order to be actionable in a court of law. I see no financial gain or loss or civil injury caused by the actions of these two men. I do see civil injury in your actions.
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free wieners
If you are entitled to pass judgement on alledged acts of stolen valor, why shouldn't I be entitled to pass judgement on alledged acts assault?

Anyhow, I read the entire Stolen Valor Act of 2005 and its subsequent challenges and agree with this statement:

The Act was likely passed to address the issue of persons claiming to have been awarded military awards for which they were not entitled, and exploiting their deception for personal gain.

I'll see if I can find anything in the 2011 version that authorizes on the spot vigilante justice.
what part of "I did not start the fight" did you not understand? in the 2011 act, since it makes it a criminal offense it is now not above local law enforcement instead of the previous version only executable by federal means.

I am not just some thug clubbing retards for the sake of lying, I was poked in the chest by one and swung at by the other after a heated discussion of their ineptitude to produce any proof or working knowledge of the military in itself let alone the role they supposedly played.
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Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I'm very fortunate that GFF fought for my freedom of speech on the Internet, only for him to tell me to shut up.


free wieners
You inserted yourself into 2 situations you could have easily walked away from.
I have been known to get myself into some pretty gnarly situations and still be able to laugh and drink beers with those involved when it was over. but these two special occasions were very deep rooted to me, you lie to me and to others about something you know nothing about just for self gratification and free stuff and swing at me or poke me in the chest, its on! I was simply done talking at that point and considered it as their invitation for a reality check. They are honestly lucky I didn't engross myself with rage as I have done in the past and left others in a lot worse shape. in fact I have been told by my peers I am a lot more docile post war and having gone through a inpatient 6 month PTSD program. I have never started a fight in my life and I give fair warning to those who are attempting to tangle that I will oblige if they continue. I would have been perfectly content and went on with my business if I wasn't poked in the chest or swung at.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
You'd be a total failure as a hippie. :monkey:

I have been known to get myself into some pretty gnarly situations and still be able to laugh and drink beers with those involved when it was over. but these two special occasions were very deep rooted to me, you lie to me and to others about something you know nothing about just for self gratification and free stuff and swing at me or poke me in the chest, its on! I was simply done talking at that point and considered it as their invitation for a reality check. They are honestly lucky I didn't engross myself with rage as I have done in the past and left others in a lot worse shape. in fact I have been told by my peers I am a lot more docile post war and having gone through a inpatient 6 month PTSD program. I have never started a fight in my life and I give fair warning to those who are attempting to tangle that I will oblige if they continue. I would have been perfectly content and went on with my business if I wasn't poked in the chest or swung at.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I think that is the nicest thing you or anyone could ever say to me
Sometimes you just gotta ask yourself, what would Lemmy do? And then act out accordingly. Thats not to say you didn't act out accordingly..... I occasionally find myself lashing out at others due to circumstances beyond my control. Unfortunately I don't seem to have the same success as you....


free wieners
Sometimes you just gotta ask yourself, what would Lemmy do? And then act out accordingly. Thats not to say you didn't act out accordingly..... I occasionally find myself lashing out at others due to circumstances beyond my control. Unfortunately I don't seem to have the same success as you....
don't get me wrong I have lost my fair share of brawls, mostly due to my inept abilities as a drunkard at those times. but these punches were soberly aimed through the back of the head and had the combined energy of every branch of the military behind them. his bar stool never even fell over I hit him so hard.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
don't get me wrong I have lost my fair share of brawls, mostly due to my inept abilities as a drunkard at those times. but these punches were soberly aimed through the back of the head and had the combined energy of every branch of the military behind them. his bar stool never even fell over I hit him so hard.
I write checks my fists can't cash. I am not a fighter anymore. I just forget that now and then.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
don't get me wrong I have lost my fair share of brawls, mostly due to my inept abilities as a drunkard at those times. but these punches were soberly aimed through the back of the head and had the combined energy of every branch of the military behind them. his bar stool never even fell over I hit him so hard.
The best fights I've ever been in were the ones where I didn't have to throw a single punch. Sounds lame/corny/cliche........but if I have the choice between hurting/"winning" someone with physical violence or wit, I prefer wit. Though violence makes a perfectly suitable plan B.