
Sunday project, aka new toy, definitely NBR

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Silver said:
What did the wax seal look like on the old one?
It was pretty gross. It was very black from what I assume was 40 years of mold (among other things) buildup. No worries though. The wife had no problem chiseling it away. :D

McGRP01 said:
What was wrong with the old one that MBC wanted it changed?
The old one didn't work that great. You had to jiggle the handle to get it to stop running. Plus it was old and gross.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
I Are Baboon said:
The old one didn't work that great. You had to jiggle the handle to get it to stop running. Plus it was old and gross.
I love a woman that can appreciate a good crapper! She's a keeper! :thumb:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
McGRP01 said:
I love a woman that can appreciate a good crapper! She's a keeper! :thumb:
No doubt! She loves doing fix-it things around the house. She's the brains behind all our little projects. I'm just the brute that lifts things and removes tight bolts. :D


Nam I am
Been there done that , more than once ! Not really that hard. just sucks when the wax seal doesn't seal all the way .

Nowwhat you do is put it out at the curb and have IAB sit on it with a Newspaper , Makes a Great Picture for your Christmas Card. :D

Also at my first house when we replaced it , the garbage wouldn't take it whole. ( called it an appliance ) So it was lots of fun when Hammer met old toilet , and all the pieces went into the trash and they tokk it all .


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
MtnBikerChk said:
water closet?

American Standard.

I know we could have replaced the insides of the old one but it had brown water stains that I couldn not get clean and it grossed me out. Would you like the old one? You can come get it out of our garbage :D
Water closet is what we call them in the industry.
Haha, I work at a hardware store.
It's like calling your bathroom the "powder room". You don't immediately associate it with fecals like you do with toilet or john or ****ter.

And unfortunately I think I'll pass on your old one. I have enough toilets to take care of already. But thanks! :thumb: