
***Sundays GMT***


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Ride later with my OG riding buddy. We go way back to '94. He doesn't ride much anymore.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Final weekend of DH at Winter Park for the season. On Friday, yesterday was supposed to be the worse weather of the two days - it was blue skies all morning. Now this morning when we'd planned to go it's dark, grey and rainy looking :/

edit: appears to be dropping snowflakes on the final camera
Last edited:

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Fucking dogs. woke me up twice with the dad I need to go out an poop bark at 3 am and 430 am

drinking espresso then going with Ruth to the barn to wave bye bye to the horse and mover her other horse to that stall and bring home the now extra tack trunk. Of course my plan for doing a morning ride got shot down. Sometime during the week I will hear "How come you don't ride your bike more " :banghead:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Just had some lovely snuggles with my snuggly middle child.

Youngest has croup. Had to have her breathe some cold air from the freezer last night as she was very seal-barky.

I should go wash my wife’s minivan then mow the lawns (for the last time this season, maybe?—short haircut and bag instead of mulching? hmm)


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Indoor karting today. Working on a schedule for next 2 weeks or so when Haley can get out into a real jr kart with one of the other league kids who has an extra. Otherwise, bills and such.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Phew....long week finished! Had a big game yesterday for our senior game. We did not play well and the other team definitely took advantage. Syd had 17 nice saves though so there is that. She is having a solid season despite a young defense. Our boys soccer team did take a big win against their rivals last night so it made for a long Saturday at school for me! This morning we met with a former student who is working on her photography portfolio so hopefully she got some cute shots. Off to my folks for dinner and to help clean their chimney.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Today's unsolicited financial advice:

Look at your life insurance policies from work. A lot of times you can get add-on policies for "relatively inexpensive". You can also get spousal coverage at most places, also for "cheap". Double check that. See if you are really getting the same coverage for the same cost.

We just completed a term policy for Wifey, who can't get it through work, at >10x what I can get her through my work for less per month. We need to double check my work policy as well, since I'm more difficult (see twitch mode), but a quick math check didn't look great.

If you're going to do it, go to an insurance broker (not an agent), as the broker can shop the market for the best option available vs. what their brand is selling. We'll be getting 2x what Wifey has pre-existing from when she was 32 for just over the same price, over 10 years later...

And part 2:
Indicators are reflecting really loudly that we are heading towards recession. The Fed has a terminal rate for interest rates at 4.6%, which is over another 1% up. Futures traders are pricing inflation at 2.5% next year. The only way that can happen, is if we are in full recession. In 2008 there were 6 people applying for each job; currently there are 2 jobs for each person. For that timeline to happen, it will happen fast and aggressively. Save cash for the worst case scenarios of employment, and if you have extra money, back up the truck and start investing. Things will likely go down more before they go up.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I’m going to embark on an expensive remodel of the mountain house based off of Stoney’s recession advice. :D no really, I am. Contractors won’t be super busy, at least!

Mah breakfast, Japanese shoku pan:


and proving that I am indeed not diabetic:


(bread eaten at 8:18 am)


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I’ve had a mantis on my screen door all week. I’d assume it needs to go out for food but every time I open the door there’s the mantis. Yesterday I noticed there’s a second mantis hanging out in my porch light. I have no idea what’s going on with these two, but they haven’t put a dime on a bill yet. Jerks.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
lazy Sunday. imperial stout for lunch with leftover chili and queso.

moved my office desk from the basement to the upstairs guest room. rearranging stuff after the new carpeting was installed has been a good move. as has been purging old stuff.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Afternoon Monkeys.

Knock on the door at 3:30 this morning, apparently I left Frita's back doors open and a cop wanted to make sure it was ok. I totally appreciate the thought. There were 27 cars broken into last Sunday in ours and the hood next door.

If you recall the neighbors Honda Odyssey was stolen last year and my other neighbor had a hand gun in his unlocked truck that is now missing. I'm usually pretty good about it but my ass was kicked yesterday.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Did riding of the bicycle, not sure what was going on but saw 4 heli rescues while out on a 2 hour rip. Peace and quiet was not had.

now to figure out WTF to eat this week and then go acquire it, sprinkler timer has taken a shit, should address that, maybe spread some more mulch, or at least take the bags of mulch out of the truck.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Had to bail during a ride with colleagues today. Not sure what is going on, burning lungs and lactate in legs as if I would be riding at a way higher effort than we did. Rode the same place last week and no issues then at a similar or higher pace. Felt weird afterwards as well. Hope it is not the 'rona. :(

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Bike ride done. Wife was struggling with this one mentally because the wind was being a major prick. I rode up front the whole time just to try to give her a break from the wind torture and I made sure to keep the effort in check. She was ready to bail at mile 50 but I managed to keep her going for the full 100. Glad that's done. I got a flat at mile 91 but conveniently enough was right by some picnic tables which made fixing it easier. I also ran 3 miles after this.
