
***Sundays GMT***


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Heading to Carrabassett to operate my two wheeled forest contraption.
Will try to climb Sugarloaf for some DH action.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Was a lazy day for me today, just watched the car racing on TV and got bored so I assembled the robot I got for my niece and nephew that they never assembled.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
More work retreat stuff until noon, driving home, then Thai Pot for dinner (courtesy of our neighbors in thanks for a comp stay they had at our mountain place).


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Wifey''s Aunt and Uncle leave today. We find out just how bad Aunt and MIL1 hurt today, but given they were hurting when we left the zoo and had to use the elevator at the restaurant, I don't think they'll be great. Heading off to track with Haley at 10am.

Going to try and get the Yeti sale ready by eod. Swapping posts from Transfer to Reverb, so I need to sort out the uninstall and reinstall between the two bikes. If the effort becomes too substantial, I'll just sell it with the Transfer - I don't need to sit on the bike longer because I can't get the post swapped out.

Will work on Haley's pink bike too. There's something wrong in that when tight, the cranks aren't spinning. It feels like a spacer between the crankarm and BB is missing, but not sure. I have an XT BB (from Nukeproof) that I can try installing and see if that works.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Trying to decide between a backpacking trip for three days in Grayson Highlands or a Pisgah overnighter starting Monday. It will be cold in Grayson Highlands with lows in the 30s at night. Not sure if I’m quite ready for that for a couple reasons. But the ponies are always entertaining. And the coyotes sing you to sleep in the evening.

If I put my Pisgah trip off until after the 15th when the seasonal trails open, then I can do one of my favorite 3-4 hour loops on the first day, then a monster solo epic 7 hour route the second day.



Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
hello, I am here.

Planned on going to the aquarium today, but little guy has a cough and wifey has my cold from last week. So, probably some hanging out. Maybe a ride to the park and some soccer with big kid later.

Splurged on the spooky build last night. Used derailleur and a bunch of aliexpress parts. Final tally may come in under $700, and that's with the frame refinishing.

MTB ride yesterday was OK. I think I need to swlap out the shitty magura pads for the race pads in my DH bike and sell it off. Bike needs a litte bit of a tuneup.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Ate poop riding bikes. Woke up in the middle of the night to hand pain. Rolled over onto my hand and felt a bone set back into place. Maybe i should get an xray later.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
Checking in. New Camelbak arrived while I slept in. After giving it a initial look, I think it’s just what I needed for short local rides.


free wieners
As the RV tour group of ignorant rich morans were leaving this morning at 0500, with idling coaches and door slamming, they proceeded to hit 2 parked cars on their way out, cops were called, everybody was woken up and pissed off.

Note to others, if you see any RV with affiliation stickers or membership logos on their rigs, steer clear and give them a wide berth.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I tagged along with Wife and Friend on their 50 mile road ride this morning. It was 35 degrees when we started so I piled on the layers, and I got pretty warm by the end of the ride. It was a very easy ride though so the warmth didn't bother me.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
A few hours riding at bromont today.

Gotta figure out what's going on with my phone, GPS on it stops working at random times while using the dork logger. Even tried with two dork loggers running, they both lost GPS at the same time.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Rode with the wife at the local foothills leaf-peeper location. Crowded, but a good time was had by all.

Dishwasher now kicks ass in the dish-cleaning department, fridge apparently isn't broke as badly as I thought, so today is going pretty well, all things considered.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
I tagged along with Wife and Friend on their 50 mile road ride this morning. It was 35 degrees when we started so I piled on the layers, and I got pretty warm by the end of the ride. It was a very easy ride though so the warmth didn't bother me.
Hey Brother,I have some questions for you on you’re swimming/training.

Do you use a kickboard for leg strength? If not,you should.
Do you use hand paddles? They are Powerful,you feel twice as strong and swim like a Beast. For me,it was like doing Butterfly with Flippers on. I think you should be using them for training.

Do you only swim Freestyle?

What is you’re resume in swimming?

You are a Stud Brother.



Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
A few hours riding at bromont today.

Gotta figure out what's going on with my phone, GPS on it stops working at random times while using the dork logger. Even tried with two dork loggers running, they both lost GPS at the same time.
How many COVID shots have you had?

Wife and I rode some trails from home, 27 miles/3740ft vert.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hey Brother,I have some questions for you on you’re swimming/training.

Do you use a kickboard for leg strength? If not,you should.
Do you use hand paddles? They are Powerful,you feel twice as strong and swim like a Beast. For me,it was like doing Butterfly with Flippers on. I think you should be using them for training.

Do you only swim Freestyle?

What is you’re resume in swimming?

You are a Stud Brother.

My swimming is adequate at best. I should be using a kickboard, but I don't. I do use hand paddles occasionally and they are definitely a workout. I only swim freestyle. It is the only stroke I know.

I don't have a swimming resume. I started in 2015 just so I can do triathlons. Prior to that, I could only swim one length of the pool and it took everything I had. I had a few one-on-one personal lessons when I just started just for the form instruction, but no other lessons other than that. I could use more lessons but I just haven't been motivated to spend the time and money on it, choosing to spend that time strengthening my bike instead.

On a good day, I am a middle of the pack swimmer in triathlons. Then I am a top 25% biker and top 10% runner, so I spend all race passing people.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Bled the two brakes on the BMC, swapped the bars for risers, aired up the rear shock. Now I just need to ride it.

feelz for you @jonKranked hope the rest of the weekend/week goes well


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
also, rode bikes with the eldest to the soccer fields, played some soccer, then to the school for some playground and back home. Wish she loved bikes more, but man what a great kid I have. I count my blessings sometimes and my kids are two of them.