That visa comes with one tiny catch - it requires you to stay at least 183 days, making you a Spanish tax payer on top of being a US tax payer. Intended for well-off retirees.
That visa comes with one tiny catch - it requires you to stay at least 183 days, making you a Spanish tax payer on top of being a US tax payer. Intended for well-off retirees.
There is a double taxation agreement that should not make you have to pay double. If you are not living in the US for more than 180 days, would you still have to pay tax there? If you still have income yes, but otherwise not me thinks.
There is a double taxation agreement that should not make you have to pay double. If you are not living in the US for more than 180 days, would you still have to pay tax there? If you still have income yes, but otherwise not me thinks.
If you are a US citizen, you file your tax return every year in the US regardless where you live or pay income taxes. The double taxation treaties reduce the taxes in a non-residency country, but you still have to file and deal with a shitload of paperwork and I do not recommend. Also, it appears that you're not supposed to have any foreign income when in Spain on that visa, no loans/mortgages either.
If you are a US citizen, you file your tax return every year in the US regardless where you live or pay income taxes. The double taxation treaties reduce the taxes in a non-residency country, but you still have to file and deal with a shitload of paperwork and I do not recommend. Also, it appears that you're not supposed to have any foreign income when in Spain on that visa, no loans/mortgages either.
Wifey is a CPA, she will figure it out. She has a lot of clients living as expats, both here and abroad. We have a few years to sort it out. Probably will be under 183 days anyway.
My car didn't come with one, I did some horse trading and found one that would fit into my diminutive spare well. I spend too much time on forests roads, where I am most likely to get a flat, well outside cell service and the ability to call for help.
Wasn't paying attention and closed thumb in car door. Fucking hurts.
Went to try new mattresses out. We found one at a hotel in CA that was glorious for both of us, but took is until today to figure out what the consumer (vs. hotel) model is. Went and laid on it for about 30min and was ready to fall asleep after about 3min. After work tomorrow, will be heading over to mattress store to order it.
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